Wednesday, May 31, 2006

A Slow News Day

Another day, another post. I don't have any particular topic of discussion planned, so I'm just going to slap a little something together and see where it takes me. Is that okay with you? It is? Good.

Today has been relatively tame, especially when compared to yesterday and Saturday. But even though not a lot happened today, I don't think it was a bad day. I'm not going to complain. Besides, I'm still worn out from yesterday's activities, so a slow, quiet day isn't that bad at all.

And I really can't think up anything decent to talk about. I guess I'll wrap it up and try to work on something for another post some other time. I'll see what I can do then.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Day After

Even though it seems that I didn't accomplish a whole lot, today was such a long day. Myself and my hetero life-mate Mo picked up some friends of ours from Lawrenceburg and went to Lexington in order to watch See No Evil again. Me and Mo had already seen it, but they hadn't, and they were determined to see that despite our attempts to convince them to see the much more superior X-Men 3 instead.

If you read my previous post regarding See No Evil, then that pretty much stands. However, I should probably retract that "best pro wrestler movie" comment. After being reminded of the work of The Rock by Lib, that comment isn't exactly relevant, since I thought The Scorpion King and Walking Tall were both better than See No Evil. Though as I said previously, Kane's character of "Jacob Goodnight" could be an entertaining horror villain on the C-list somewhere between Wishmaster and Leprechaun. But it'll take a few sequels that can improve on a movie that is, frankly, average at best. My rating of three stars stands.

After the movie, we swung by the shopping center at Lexington Green, where after spending a lot of time in Joseph-Beth's (which would totally be my Borders if I lived closer to Lexington), we moved on to the Disc Jockey store next door. There, I scored a little birthday present for myself: the DVD of Backlash. Hurrah.

Then after going back to Anderson County and hanging out at Lawrenceburg's park for a while, we headed home. The day was long, but fun, so I'll chalk it up on my list of good days.

And that's enough for this post. Out for now.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Happy Birthday To Me

Today has been a good day. Good, but slow. Pretty much nothing has happened today, which I was expecting. The only things of note were going to get some ice cream and my aunt forgetting it was my birthday. She doesn't even own a computer, so I can heckle her here and she'll never know it. :P

But even though the day has been very slow and relatively quiet, I'm not going to worry about it. Sure, I'd have liked a little more excitement, but at least today hasn't sucked. I could have found out I was adopted or gotten kicked in the no-no place. Neither of those have happened, so I can say that today has been pretty rockin' so far.

And that's all I could have really asked for.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

15 Minutes Until Detonation

The big day officially begins in about fifteen minutes or so at midnight, and like with Backlash a month ago, the anticipation is at a fever pitch.

I don't know exactly what the day holds, since nobody has discussed any sort of plans with me. Maybe nothing will happen and it'll be business as usual. Or maybe there are plans and I'm being kept in the dark in regards to the whole thing. Both are viable options.

I do hope that the day ends up being fun, because the last thing I need is a crappy day tomorrow. I mean, who wants a crappy birthday? I guess I should keep a positive attitude about the whole thing. Yeah, it'll be awesome, no doubt.

You heard it here first, folks. Tomorrow is going to be a great day. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool or a liar.

One More Day Until The Big Two-Four

Here it is, the eve of my 24th birthday, and I'm sitting here doing nothing but blogging. I could probably be out doing something to prepare for the big day tomorrow, but things don't always turn out the way we'd want them to. Le sigh.

The looming birthday has given me a chance to reflect on things. Am I where I should be at this stage of my life? Probably not. Am I at least on the right track? That, I do not know.

The path to greatness is a rough one, but it's particularly rougher right now. I've got a few accomplishments I need to attain, a few goals I need to achieve before the journey down that path to greatness can pick up any speed. These are things that I probably should have dealt with years ago, but I'm not exactly quick about doing things. That's my own fault, though. Stupid things happen when you don't use your brain.

But in any event, I'm hoping these things will be easier than I'm expecting. These sort of problems take a little time and patience to sort out, but I'm not worried. My birthday is tomorrow, which means I get one more year to straighten out the crap I should have dealt with in the past. One step forward is better than two backward, right?

Tomorrow is going to be a day of reckoning. Mark it down.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

I Hate Heat

Oh man, today was a long day. I'm worn out, sunburned, and I'm only really posing for the sake of doing something. So if this post sucks, at least I have an excuse. Or something resembling an excuse. Whatever.

I'm sunburned today because my town had something resembling a Memorial Day Weekend festival, but considering that my town has about 304 residents (according to the last census in 2000, that is), it wasn't really much of anything. But I had a good time hanging out at my uncle's house all day, so it wasn't a total waste.

In other news, the revolving taglines are up to 650. See if you can find out which ones are new. Or if you really want to have fun, try to pick out the old ones.

And that's all I've got at this point in time. I wanted to get a post up, so here this is. Out for now.

Friday, May 26, 2006

And Now To Wait Until X-Men 4...

Caught the 7:30 showing of X-Men 3, and while I don't know if I would call it the best of the trilogy, I liked it a lot. It forsakes character development for lots and lots of action, but the action is quite entertaining, so I won't fault it for that. I really had a good time watching it, and the only major complaints I have are Cyclops getting very little screen time (apparently because James Marsden was off filming Superman Returns at the same time), and the fact that Gambit was nowhere to be found. Hopefully they'll include Gambit in X-Men 4, if there is one, because he's one of my favorites. But anyway, I'll give X-Men 3 a solid three and a half stars, leaning towards four.

Oh, and stay through the credits. There's a very cool scene at the end.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Halfway To Victory

Made plenty of progress on RE:CV today, and I'm right around halfway through. Y'see, the game is spread out on two discs, and I just made it through the first one.

It was rough, too. There was this one particular boss I had to fight twice, both times with not a lot of room to get around. I managed to get by him the first time, then he showed up a second time in the cargo hold of my airplane just as I was getting ready to make my escape from this one particular area. He knocked my butt from one end of the cargo hold to the other, even knocking me out the plane's open hatch at one point. But I got him good. It took every single bullet I had, but I got him. Because I rock. I'm going to start in on the second disc sometime, but hopefully I'll run into some bullets. I can't be expected to get my kill on without some heavy artilery.

Regardless, I'm on my way to victory. You can't stop a survival horror expert like me. You just can't.

RE:CV Progress

Made a little progress on Code Veronica. I wouldn't say I made a lot, but I did figure out what I was doing wrong. I got my confusion straightened out, so that's a little something, right?

A little progress is better than none, and I might be able to knock it out if I keep chipping away at it. I'll probably end up chipping away at it forever and ever, but as long as I get it taken care of, I think I'll be okay. I've set my mind on defeating RE:CV, and sooner or later, I'll be getting it done. You know this.

Out until next time.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Video Game Woes

Man, Resident Evil: Code Veronica is tougher than I thought. I played it for 45 minutes today, got turned around backwards and couldn't remember how to get where I needed to go, and ended up getting killed by two big ugly monsters that can punch me in the face from across the room. Then there's the rabid dogs, the zombies, the salamanders that can zap me with electricity, and the giant man-eating worm that looks like one of the monsters from Tremors.

What doesn't help is that some of the areas I need to go through are incredibly tough to navigate. It's like the video game equivalent of Chinese algebra. I'm supposed to go to this room with a tank in it, and I've already been through that room once, but I just can't remember how to find it. And since decent save points are harder to find, I end up having to start back at this tough-as-nails spot with those electric salamanders before I can start hunting for it again. And no, I unfortunately cannot drive the tank (as far as I know, anyway). I want to, but that would be too convenient, and Capcom doesn't want me to have any convenience whatsoever.

It might take me a few months of work, but by golly, I will beat Code Veronica. The other five games have been overcome, and so will number six. One of these days, anyway.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I See No Evil, But I See Movies

Another mini-review to kill some time.

I caught the 4:50 showing of See No Evil today, and I'd go out on a limb and say that it's the best movie with a pro wrestler in the lead role ever made. That isn't saying much, when you consider the competition is movies like Mr. Nanny and 3 Ninjas: High Noon on Mega Mountain.

But in any event, the main cast - or as I prefer to call them, the cannon fodder - is disposable. Kane, on the other hand, makes for not all that bad of a villain. He most certainly has the look down, but I think it might take a few, better-made sequels to put him even in the same league as the Wishmaster or the Leprechaun, let alone Jason, Freddy, or Leatherface. But I'll go out on a limb and give See No Evil a solid three stars. I can't complain.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Happy (Early) Birthday To Me

Today was a good day. Why? I got a big birthday present in the mail today.

Coming in all the way from New Hampshire was a vertitable cornucopia of goodies. Thanks to Lib, I now have five volumes of the Sin City books (I think all I need now are "Family Values" and "Hell And Back," but those shouldn't be too hard to track down), Resident Evil: Code Veronica X, the DVDs of Jackie Brown and True Romance, an unauthorized book about ECW, and three Lego men made to look like Freddy, Jason, and Leatherface. And let's not forget that cute birthday card, too. I owe you one, Lib.

While I'm here, I should thank Dave for the three wrestling DVDs he sent me last week, and thanks to Mike for the Family Guy DVDs he purchased on my Amazon wish list a few months back. That was mighty gracious of you both.

And if the rest of you readers want to get me something, you jokers have a week. :P

Sunday, May 21, 2006

I Am Never Going To Europe

Finally, I've got that new review completed and ready to go live. So check out my review of Hostel by clicking here, and hopefully, the review turned out better than the actual movie itself.

I've had a few other ideas for future movies to review, but I'm not exactly certain which one I want to do next. I'll probably take a little time off first, because after putting all that work into the Hostel review, I think I could use a break. I've done a little work on some, mostly just taking some notes, but nothing major.

I guess I'll figure it out when I decided to pick up another movie to review. But until then, readers, excelsior.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Work In Progress

I added a bunch more taglines to the script up top, putting it a current total of 322. I'm liking the new script a lot more than the previous one, because not only does it look a lot better, but it's not limited to 280 taglines like the previous one.

I'm not going to say which ones are the new ones, because I think it'd be more fun for the readers to see which ones are which. Think of it as a game. There's no prize other than satisfaction, but do you really need more?

In other news, I've made a little more progress on that troublesome review. I don't know exactly how much progress I may or may not have made, but if I absolutely had to guess, I'd say I'm nearly halfway finished. Forty-five percent, maybe. That's a lot better than where I was a few days ago, I'll say that much. It'll probably take me a while, but you can't rush perfection. You just can't.

Anyone who says otherwise is a fool or a liar.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Blog Gets A Nose Job

Did a little cosmetic work to the blog. See if you can find out what I did.

The Bad Times Are Over

I think I've made it through that rough writing patch, and the rest of that review should come along nicely when I pick it back up later. At least, I had better be through that rough patch, because it was frustrating enough to comeup with what I did.

And that's the weird thing. Sometimes what I want to say comes easily, while there are those other times that I can read the dictionary twice and still not find what I want to say. And then there's those times where I can be succinct and to the point, and other times that I ramble on and on and on, and the thing ends up being 50 years long. Either way, I do enjoy the writing, but she can be a cruel mistress sometimes.

At least the fun is still there. That's one of the big reasons I keep going, because I'm having fun doing it. I'll admit that I get frustrated and worn out during the making of particular reviews, but when I put the finishing touches on them and get them uploaded, it can be so very satisfying. I put a lot of work into them, and I hope it shows.

Now if only I could make a decent paycheck doing it...

Monday, May 15, 2006

A Matter of Time

I've been putting in a little work on something new for Sutton At The Movies, but it's coming along a lot slower than I originally expected. I'm just having a tough time building up enough enthusiasm to get it done. I'm constantly getting distracted, or getting up to go do something else.

Could it be that I've burned myself out? I have been working awfully hard on a lot of different reviews lately, so that might be a good excuse. I really do want to write this new review, but it's like I've just slipped into a rough patch for now. I know I'll get it knocked out sooner or later, but all I need is to hit the proper stride.

I'll get there eventually. It's all just a matter of time.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Sutton Watches Smallville

I think I'll do something I haven't done in a while. Tonight is the season finale of Smallville, so let's do a little "Sutton Watches Smallville," shall we? Just in case you've forgotten, here's the rules: I watch Smallville, and jot down my random thoughts as the show progresses. Got that? Super. And I hope this episode is good, because I'm giving up the first 20 minutes of the My Name Is Earl season finale to watch it all the way through.
  • Oh no, Lex is having a stroke!
  • So... Lex's stroke turns into The Lex Witch Project?
  • I take that back, he dropped right into the middle of Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Maybe he'll make a mashed potato mountain in the middle of his living room like Richard Dreyfuss.
  • Hmm, Lex just got beamed up by Brainiac's ship. I just know they're gonna probe his anus. Alien abductions always lead to that. Maybe they'll slaughter some cattle and make some crop circles while they're at it.
  • Alright! The first Superman Returns TV commercial! As much as I like the idea, I wonder if they could have rebooted it just as easy. I mean, Chris Reeve's Superman movies went exactly the same way as the Burton/Schumacher Batman movies. The first two were awesome, the second two sucked. Warner Brothers rebooted Batman, so what's wrong with a Superman reboot? I guess I'll wait and see how Superman Returns turns out before I start saying what I wish they'd done.
  • You know, this whole Lionel/Martha thing is kinda awkward. A little creepy too.
  • Lana "can't believe [she] let this happen." Wait, I'm confused. Why is Lex being a villian and getting abducted by aliens her fault? Stupid Lana.
  • It's about freaking time Clark starts listening to Jor-El.
  • General Zod is my hero. He better say "kneel before Zod," or else I'll be upset.
  • Zod is going to have to posess someone to get his body back? ...Okay. Why am I reminded of Chucky from the first three Child's Play movies?
  • Ooh, snap. Even if they are having Zod possess Lex, at least they're finally pulling the trigger on Clark vs. Lex.
  • That's a fancy looking dagger. I want one.
  • Man, Lex looks pretty good for a guy that just got abducted by aliens and got the consciousness of a Kryptonian villian stuck in his brain.
  • Whoa! That was a wicked elbow to the face.
  • Lex with superpowers, hmm? I wonder if he's allergic to kryptonite too.
  • You know, Lex, if you really wanted to test your powers, you could have aimed the gun at your head instead of your hand. If it turns out you didn't have powers, then you're doing everyone a favor in the long run.
  • Aw, geez. If Lana takes Lex's display of power that easily, then I'm sure Clark may not have had it that badly. But Clark and Lana are stupid, but who knows.
  • Way to go, Lana, ya friggin' snitch. You know, I never liked Lana.
  • It seems like everyone ends up in the hospital in every episode. Their insurance rates must be through the roof.
  • If someone decided to do a Smallville spinoff with Lionel, I'd watch that every week. John Glover is awesome.
  • You're better off without Lana, Clark. She's a shrew.
  • You know who else is awesome? James Marsters. I'd hope for him to be in every episode next season, but that would probably prevent him from doing that Spike movie I've heard about. I'm so torn now. Which do I like more, Brainiac or Spike? It's like chosing which of my children I love more.
  • So let me see if I've got this right... Brainiac is going to conquer with a blackout, making the computers look like something out of The Matrix, and uploading a Kryptonian version of Skynet into the Internet?
  • Whoa, awesome. Clark needs to catch speeding cars one-handed more often.
  • Yay, Chloe kissed Clark! I know Clark is supposed to be with Lois in the end, but I'm rooting for Chloe.
  • Milton "Brainiac" Fine: Kryptonian supercomputer, conquerer of Earth, air traffic controller.
  • Thanks for calling Clark out on his bullcrap, Lex.
  • "At least I walked away with the part you loved the most." Owned!
  • Oh man! Zod has arrived! I was hoping he'd be Terrence Stamp like in Superman 2, but I'll take what I can get.
  • Is it just me, or are they really playing up Superman's messianic allegory?
  • It's about time Clark flew when he wasn't hopped up on red kryptonite.
  • Come on, Clark, snatch that plane, or else Ma Kent and Lois will be goners.
  • Is that stock footage of the Rodney King riot, or am I imagining things?
  • One little blackout, and the whole world goes nuts. Do people in big cities know how to be calm in emergencies, or are they naturally crazy? This whole place is like they just dropped Scarecrow's fear toxin from Batman Begins on the city.
  • Lana knows kung fu! She just won me back.
  • Run, Lana! Run for your life, get some help! No, don't make out with him! Geez, just when she has me, she pushes me away again. Can't you do something useful for a change, you dumb bimbo? It's no wonder Clark ends up with Lois and not you.
  • Wait a doggone minute here... Clark is in the Phantom Zone? I guess he didn't fly after all, he just got sucked up into Krypto-prison.
That was a heck of an ending. Lex/Zod and Lana are necking up on the rooftops of Metropolis, Clark is in the Phantom Zone, Martha and Lois are flying with Brainiac Airlines and are about to die, Chloe looks like she's about to be on the recieving end of a gang rape, and Lionel is God knows where. Hurry up and get here, next season! I don't know if I can handle another four-month hiatus.

However, the big question I have is this: must everyone in the universe fall in love with Lana? You remember Poochie from The Simpsons? Lana is kinda like that. She's annoying and absolutely dreadful, but everyone loves her and thinks she's pretty and perfect. I guess Zod got his brain swiss-cheesed with Lex's, because if he really hated humans so much, he'd have just chucked Lana off the building and laughed as she hit the pavement.

And now on to the second half of My Name Is Earl's season finale. Out until season six.

Victory #6

I mentioned earlier that I was going through Resident Evil 4 again. Well, guess what?

I just beat it for the sixth time.

With 919 enemies killed and a total playing time of five hours, 35 minutes, and 49 seconds (which beat my previous time by about an hour or thereabouts), I claimed my sixth victory in RE4's main game. And I knew hanging on to Ada's special bazooka after the last go-around would come in handy too, because with it, my fight with Saddler at the very end lasted all of twenty seconds. How's that for a final boss battle? I only died six times during the game, the majority of which were caused by Ashley not bothering to get her sorry butt out of the way of one of my bullets.

But all in all, a good run. Maybe I'll go for lucky number seven sometime.

More Reviews, More Resident Evil 4

I'm still getting used to the lack of HaloScan, but I'm sure that I will eventually. I guess if I miss it badly enough, I could either reinstall it here or go back to using the Tripod blog on a regular basis. But where's the fun in that?

I put a little work into some new reviews, but nothing major has been completed as of yet. Netflix is shipping me a movie today, and once it shows up in my mailbox in the next day or two, I'm going to jump into a review headfirst. I've been thinking about reviewing both the original When A Stranger Calls and its remake sometime in the future, so once the remake is available, I'll have two more reviews to add to the archives. I've been a reviewing machine this year, and I don't plan on slowing down.

Meanwhile, I've jumped back into Resident Evil 4, and I'm making great time. I'm already on the island, and dead ahead is the U-3. And as much as I love the Handcannon, I'm finding the Chicago Typewriter to be much more effective when I'm being swarmed by freaks. Rapid-fire can definitely trump one shot a time when need be, but it's a balance of finding out what works in what situations. And really, a good balance of both weaponry and strategy is important. You don't want to take a knife to a shootout, and you don't want to storm into a room full of monsters without a plan. Sometimes it just doesn't pay to kick in a door and burst in with guns blazing. I've discovered that hiding in one corner of the room with a sniper rifle can be a good idea. It all comes down to being strategic, and being a master of one's surroundings. And a little heavy artilery is helpful too. That's why I've beaten Resident Evil 4 five times, with a sixth victory coming soon.

Man, I'm addicted to this game.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Dude, Where's My Comments?

You know, I noticed something a little while ago. I was going back through my March 2006 archives looking for an old post of mine, and I noticed all of my comments had disappeared. The only ones still around are the ones from April and May. Every other comment before that, from both Blogger and Tripod, aren't showing up. The funny thing is that all the comments from January to now are showing up between January to now in HaloScan's control panel, but just aren't showing up here. And needless to say, I'm both confused and a little bummed.

I did a wee bit of research, and it turns out that HaloScan does this in order to save bandwidth and memory, but I could keep them if I upgraded to a premium account. I'm most certainly not going to pay to keep my comments around, so sooner or later, I may just switch over to the comment feature that Blogger offers. I don't want my comments getting deleted, after all. Unfortunately, that means all the comments that were still around on Blogger aren't available on the main page anymore, but I guess sacrifices have to be made in order to make sure things work properly.

I'll probably still keep the HaloScan comments up at Tripod. The Blogger Experience is the one everyone reads and comments on, so I don't think comments on the Tripod blog disappearing will end up being that big of a deal. And if Blogger starts deleting comments, I'm just gonna throw a fit.

Tuesday, May 9, 2006

I Want More Days Like Yesterday

Yesterday was such a long day. I'd have written up a post about it last night, but I was too tired to do it. But today is a new day, right?

The day began around 12:30 or so, when myself and Mo went down to Greensburg to visit a little hole in the wall café called "Dumas Walker's." We don't know the real name of it, but that's what we call it, so whatever. I'd been there a few times back when I was in college, but it's been nearly five years since I've been there. The place wasn't exactly how I remembered it due to some aesthetic changes, but I'm not going to complain about getting a burger, fries, and a drink for $2.75.

After leaving Dumas's, we stopped off in my old stomping grounds of Campbellsville for some bowling. We played six games; Mo did great, I did horribly. I finally hit my groove in the seventh game, but we had to cut it short in the sixth frame. The thing that resets the pins got stuck, and after waiting 20 minutes for it to get fixed, we decided to wrap it up and leave. Just I was on a roll too, no pun intended. But now the bowling has come back to haunt me, because now my back and right arm are killing me. I'll survive, though.

There were also some other stuff that happened, but Mo's asked me not to blog about it because he doesn't want the whole world to know. Yeah, like the whole world reads this. Only two of my four readers have ever met him, so I don't think it would really matter. But I'll humor him and not say anything here. Let's just say that I hope his radar detector will start coming more in handy in the future.

Came home to watch Raw, and that was it for the day. I was worn out, but I could probably use more days like yesterday.

Yeah, I totally could.

Sunday, May 7, 2006

DVDs and Downloads

I should really get around to finding some spare DVD cases. I've got a few DVDs whose cases aren't in the best of shape (like Forever Hardcore and Blair Witch 2), and I'm sure I could find replacement cases at a reasonable price somewhere. It's not that big of a deal and I'm not in that huge of a rush, but this sort of thing is a minor annoyance I could do without. Yes, I'm weird. Why do you ask?

Outside of that, there really isn't a whole lot going on worth talking about here. I did download Backlash after three days or so of working at it, just so I could have a copy of the TV broadcast. But seeing as how my computer operates with Stone Age technology, I probably won't have all that great of a time watching it on my computer. But at least I have it, right? I'll probably have to invest in a DVD burner sometime in the future, so I can have that to accompany WWE's official release of the show. The same goes for last year's edition of ECW's One Night Stand, the TV broadcast of which I have burned onto some CDs around here somewhere. WWE's release of it is edited, so having the TV broadcast is a fun companion. But I'd just like to have it burned on a DVD so I can watch it on my television.

And that's all I've got for now. TTFN, folks.

Saturday, May 6, 2006

A Mediocre Haunting

Caught the 9:55 showing of An American Haunting in Danville.

I didn't know all that much about the movie going in, other than it was supposedly inspired by Tennessee's "Bell Witch" legend. And if you ask me, I thought the movie was mediocre at best. It wasn't awful, but I've seen far better movies. The concept of the movie is this: a woman in 2006 discovers a diary from the 1800s, kept by a previous resident of her house. As she reads the diary, we see one of several viewpoints regarding the Bell Witch's origin. The scenes set in present day are useless and accomplish absolutely nothing outside of a predictable scare at the end of the movie.

Honestly, the movie seemed to bear too close of a resemblance to the far superior The Exorcism of Emily Rose, since An American Haunting's female lead occasionally suffered from what appeared to be supernaturally-influenced seizures. And if I wanted to watch The Exorcism of Emily Rose, I would do so. I did like Donald Sutherland's performance, and I thought Sissy Spacek was underused, but there's no reason for you to feel bad if you miss the movie. An American Haunting gets a disappointing two and a half stars. I didn't have any expectations at all, and it still let me down.

For shame, An American Haunting. For shame.

Friday, May 5, 2006

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

I've been kicking around a few ideas for some new additions to the S@TM archives. Some, I'd really like to do. Others, I'd be reviewing simply for the sake of reviewing them. I'll have to weed out the want-to's from the could-do's sometime, because I'd rather do the ones I would enjoy writing before doing the ones that are there just to be there.

I'm going to work this out one way or another. The reviews are my babies, and any work I put into them has to satisfy me first and foremost. Yes, my readers are important, but if I'm not happy with my work, I'm not sure you guys will enjoy it either. It's a delicate balance, folks.

But some of the reviews I'm considering, I think I would really enjoy writing them. There are only two real things slowing me down. One is finding the proper poster art to accompany them. I know it's a minor, unimportant detail, but it's something I like to do. Consider it an OCD, if you want. The second thing is simply setting my mind to writing them.

I'll probably get around to each of them sooner or later, one way or another. Like I've said a zillion times in the past, things will always work themselves out.

Thursday, May 4, 2006

Topics of Discussion: A Work in Progress

You know, for a guy that complains about having anything to talk about, I sure do post an awful lot.

Now that Backlash is in the history books, I don't have any reviews on the current docket, and I've absolutely descimated Resident Evil 4, I've come down with a nasty case of writer's block. I could always go back to doing nothing but posting those quickie movie reviews every other weekend, but I've gotten more into the routine of posting about a little bit of everything.

I guess I could start going back to the time-tested method of simply making things up as I go along. I do that a lot anyway, so it isn't like I would have to make any drastic changes. So I think I'll start doing that a little more often.

And... go!

Sutton At The Movies: Down Under

That Wolf Creek review is all wrapped up. And I don't want to keep you readers waiting, so you can check it out by clicking here. Be forewarned, it may or may not contain spoilers, so read it at your own risk. Okay? Okay.

Now that we've got all that squared away, check out the review.

Wednesday, May 3, 2006

I Watch Too Many Movies

Me and Moses had a movie night last night, with a double feature consisting of Wolf Creek and Stir of Echoes.

We watched Wolf Creek first, and holy cow, it was awesome. I'll have more details when I get the full review done, but it'll be getting a favorable review, for sure. The review is coming along well, thanks for asking. I'll have it up sooner or later, whenever I get it finished.

Stir of Echoes was after that, and since I hadn't seen it for quite a while, it was like an all-new experience. And it was scary as hell, too. I jumped about six inches out of my chair during one particular scare, and Moses jumped so high, he nearly ended up in the floor. We're a pair of wussies, I know. But Stir of Echoes is really good, really creepy, and sadly underrated. Go rent it sometime, I dare you.

And that's pretty much it for now. Out.

Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Wolf Creek: Coming Soon to S@TM

I feel the need... the need to post. Okay, so that didn't rhyme like it did in Top Gun. Shut up.

I got Wolf Creek from Netflix yesterday, and I haven't had much of a real opportunity to watch it yet. But I have it on good authority that it isn't all that bad. I'll trust Libby over Roger Ebert any day. And I'm planning on reviewing Wolf Creek for Sutton At The Movies, so you'll have that to look forward to.

I've got my eye on reviewing Hostel too, so hopefully, Netflix won't make me wait too long for it once I send Wolf Creek back. If I can get then both done right away, I'm planning on doing them both as a "Torture Horror Double Feature" or somesuch. It's no Super Saturday (remember that from forever ago?), but it'd be something. I do what I can.

But I'm totally looking forward to sitting down and watching Wolf Creek, because if anything is insane, it's a foreign horror movie. I've seen Japanese, French, and British horror (and even a little Korean horror), and they're all wild, so I wonder how crazy Australian horror is. It better be good, but if not, I hope it's still a fun review to write.

Out for now.

Monday, May 1, 2006

Now To Wait For The DVD...

Backlash was last night, and I had a really fun time. I even picked up a souvenir. I'll probably have to wait until I get to watch the DVD before I really get to see how it turned out on television, but I had a ball being there in person. I ended up taking almost 250 pictures, but most of them turned out being ungodly blurry, and thus not that good. If I had a tripod or closer seats, it would have turned out okay, but some of the ones that could be salvaged weren't all that bad. If anybody wants to see them, just ask and I'll try hook you up with a few of them. But here's some quick thoughts...
  • You know, you never know how loud or how hot the pyro is until you're in the same building with it.
  • The Kane/Big Show match was bleh, and the ending was mind-numbingly stupid. There, I said it.
  • The ending of the Mickie James/Trish Stratus match seemed way out of nowhere, but after hearing Trish dislocated her shoulder, I understand why. I don't how how it came across on TV, but Trish's bump over the ropes looked really ugly. I'm not surprised she hurt herself.
  • You know what else was fun? The McMahons vs. Shawn Michaels and God. That's right, I went there. I really thought the match was entertaining, even if the idea of it was silly. The bump off the stage was crazy enough, but Shawn diving from the ladder to the floor was insane!
  • "Matt Striker Loves Poop." Teehee. Though I don't see why he would make a reference to illegally recruited basketball players. That was 15 years ago, and it's the football team with the recruiting woes now. Not that anybody in Kentucky cares about football, but still.
  • Cena wins... again. I guess they figured that they needed as big a heel as they could get to appear at One Night Stand next month, and the diehard ECW fans will eat Cena alive. But I will say that the triple threat match was a lot of fun, no matter who won.
And that's all I've got. Fun night, fun show. I want to do it again sometime.