Saturday, September 27, 2003

"Since when do you like rhinos?"

Holy poop, two posts within a 24-hour period. I don't think that's ever happened.

Little Gary is slowly killing me. I don't think I'm ever gonna have kids. Too much freaking work. He's almost too active, and poor me is just going insane from it.

Today I picked up the DVD of a low-budget indy movie called Haggard, which was made by a couple of members of the Jackass crew. I'm gonna watch it a few times before I can really get an opinion on it, so I'll get back to you later. Gary's calling my attention, so I'll post this and get out of here. Later.

The Kentucky Blog Massacre, #2

Remember the other day when I said I might go see The Rundown? I did, and I liked it. If that whole wrestling thing wasn't in the way, The Rock could be the next Arnold Schwarzenegger. Then again, he hasn't been around wrestling at all since March, so what do I know? I'd give the movie three stars. Not great, but a fun way to kill some time.

I also said I'd try and get the Texas Chainsaw Massacre DVD, but the stupid Sam Goody in Danville didn't have it. They had the second movie in the series (which stars Dennis Hopper, who's too awesome for words), but I decided to save my money. I wasted my good time for the last three or four weekends and didn't find it, and I'm ever so pissed. But they're releasing another version of the movie three days before the remake comes out, and I think I'll just wait until that one comes out. I can wait three more weeks, can't I? I guess I'll have to, especially since Amazon has it listed as under "special order" and I don't feel like eBaying it. Stupid Sam Goody. If you happen to hear a story about a 21-year-old kid throwing bricks though a Sam Goody window, it wasn't me.

Eh, no sense in moaning about it. I need to go get some sleep, so I'm out for the night. Peace.

Thursday, September 25, 2003

The Kentucky Blog Massacre

Ever been around an active three-year-old? I have. My bro Gary D. (who I last mentioned in the update dated March 10, 2002) is gonna be spending the weekend with us. I love Gary to death, but this kid is so active I feel like I need a caffine and sugar IV to keep up with him. It's gonna be a loooooooooong weekend.

Other than Gary visiting, not a whole lot is going on. I might go try and see The Rundown this weekend, and I'd also like to get out and pick up the DVD of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I've never seen it all the way through (and even then, it was an IFC special featuring Tobe Hooper and Gunner Hansen's audio commentary), but I'd like to own it. I want to see it before the remake comes out, and that'll be in just a few weeks. I wanted to buy The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation, which is the fourth film in the series, but I can't find it anywhere. Wal-Mart used to have it for $5.88, but I can't find it there anymore. The movie isn't very good, but seeing Matthew McConaughey and Renée Zellweger in a movie like this is priceless. Yes, I said Matthew McConaughey and Renée Zellweger in a Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie. McConaughey is awesome in it, and the fact that his character has a spastic prosthetic leg controlled by various remote controls only makes him cooler.

Anyway, that's all for now. I'm out.

Monday, September 22, 2003

Happy Birthday, Bethany

It's my sister's birthday today, at the ripe old age of 17. Happy birthday, sis. Remind me to buy you a beer when you turn 21. :)

Monday, September 15, 2003

Random Thoughts

I bought the new "Wrestlemania XIX" video game for my Gamecube, and it's a drastic improvement over last year's model. I hate the fact that they couldn't license all of the wrestlers' theme songs (some of them use "real" music, instead of stuff produced by WWE) and the story mode kinda sucks, but I'll take what I can get. But for now, I'll give the game a thumbs up.

Wow, I just noticed that in a few weeks, the Blog of 1000 Corpses will be two years old. I'm a proud papa. :)

I really need to get a life. I never have anything to talk about. I also don't know if I'll do that movie review blog or not, since movie reviews are a lot of work. It may not look like it, but they are. But I'm sure I'll work something out; I always do. And if I don't work something out, eh. Who cares. Am I right, people?

I've also come to the realization that I watch too many movies. Very often, I catch myself being reminded of movie lines or scenes, thanks to random everyday occurances. Pop culture has infected my brain, and I don't know if that's good or bad. I hope good, but everybody thinks I'm weird because of it. Weird can be good, can't it? Can't it?!

I'm out for now. Word life.

Saturday, September 13, 2003


I just got back from seeing Cabin Fever in Lexington and I had to get it out of my system. You'll understand it when you see it. I thought it was a fun movie, like one of those late-night Creature Feature drive-in movies they used to show on MonsterVision. Anybody but me remember that show? Anybody? Bueller? I enjoyed the heck out of Cabin Fever, and if there's a sequel, you'll find me in the front of the line. I'll give this one 3½ stars out of five, and it'll be a definite DVD purchase for me. And make sure to stay all the way through the credits too! There's more stuff after the credits.

I also picked up the novelization of Freddy vs. Jason at a Joseph-Beth Bookstore before the movie. I've got a sickness, and the only remedy is Freddy vs. Jason!

And finally, I'd like to send my sympathies to the families of Johnny Cash and John Ritter. We've lost two men that were perfect at what they did, and as long as we've got CD's and reruns of Three's Company, we'll always have them.

Sunday, September 7, 2003

The Movie Of My Nightmares, #4

You guys are probably gonna think I'm crazy, but I saw Freddy vs. Jason for the fifth time yesterday. But I'm not as crazy as you may assume; I've chatted with guys who've seen it seven or eight times, and one guy who's seen it ten times. That is what I like to call overkill, though I'd probably see it ten times if I could afford it. I'm such a geek.

I also bought Graeme Revell's score for Freddy vs. Jason at Wal-Mart yesterday. If you're having a Halloween party, either buy this CD or find it online. Great Halloween mood music, it is. Probably my favorite track so far is titled "Stoner Creature," which is the music playing when the stoner that wishes he was Jason Mewes sees the bong-smoking Freddy worm that looks like it was ripped off from Alice In Wonderland. The track "Freddy In The Real World" is awesome as well.

That's all I really have going on right now. I'm thinking of starting up a site just for movie reviews (since I watch enough movies), so if you have an opinion on that, you know how to contact me if you want to share said opinion.

I'm out of things to say, so I'm wrapping up here.

Wednesday, September 3, 2003

Monstermania I

After watching King Kong vs. Godzilla last night, and being the fan of Freddy vs. Jason that I am, I started thinking about what other movie battles we could be privy to in the future. So I present to you my ideas for what I like to call "Monstermania I."
  1. Jason Voorhees vs. Michael Myers.
  2. Freddy Krueger vs. The Candyman.
  3. Chucky vs. The Leprechaun.
  4. Robocop vs. The Terminator.
  5. Leatherface vs. Ash (from the Evil Dead trilogy) in a chainsaw-on-a-pole match.
  6. Bela Lugosi vs. Gary Oldman in a first blood match.
  7. Sadako Yamamura (from Japan's Ringu) vs. Samara Morgan (from America's The Ring).
  8. The Toxic Avenger vs. Sgt. Kabukiman, with Troma founder Lloyd Kaufman as the guest referee.
  9. The American Werewolf from London vs. The American Werewolf from Paris, with The Wolfman as the guest referee.
  10. Bub (from Day of the Dead) vs. Tarman (from The Return of the Living Dead).
  11. King Kong, Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan, King Ghidorah, Mechagodzilla, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex from Jurassic Park in a "king of the monsters" battle royal held on Monster Island.

That's all I could really think of right now. I wanted to use guys like Pinhead from Hellraiser, the Creeper from Jeepers Creepers, and Hannibal Lecter, but just didn't know how. I also had the idea of the virus from Resident Evil fighting the virus from 28 Days Later, but how would that have worked? If you'd like contributing some ideas, you know how to contact me.

That's all for now. Later.

Monday, September 1, 2003

"Where'd you get those peepers?"

Ugh. Today was the most boring day ever. I hate bumming rides off people.

Me and Dad went to see Jeepers Creepers 2 last Friday. It was a totally different film from the first one, but I thought it was just as good. However, subplots are brought up (such as the sexual preference of one character being questioned, and another character possibly being racist), only to be forgotten or rarely mentioned after a certain point. Outside of the stupid points, I liked it.

That's all I've got, so check back in next time.