Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Video Game Woes

Man, Resident Evil: Code Veronica is tougher than I thought. I played it for 45 minutes today, got turned around backwards and couldn't remember how to get where I needed to go, and ended up getting killed by two big ugly monsters that can punch me in the face from across the room. Then there's the rabid dogs, the zombies, the salamanders that can zap me with electricity, and the giant man-eating worm that looks like one of the monsters from Tremors.

What doesn't help is that some of the areas I need to go through are incredibly tough to navigate. It's like the video game equivalent of Chinese algebra. I'm supposed to go to this room with a tank in it, and I've already been through that room once, but I just can't remember how to find it. And since decent save points are harder to find, I end up having to start back at this tough-as-nails spot with those electric salamanders before I can start hunting for it again. And no, I unfortunately cannot drive the tank (as far as I know, anyway). I want to, but that would be too convenient, and Capcom doesn't want me to have any convenience whatsoever.

It might take me a few months of work, but by golly, I will beat Code Veronica. The other five games have been overcome, and so will number six. One of these days, anyway.


Blogger Libby said...

This sounds just like the time I had getting myself through 4. Sometimes I had no idea how I was going to pull particular areas out of the fire.

I know you'll get it, though! You're a hardcore survival horrorist, after all.

May 24, 2006 at 4:39 PM  

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