Friday, July 30, 2010

Three In Two Days

You know, when I started my job back in March, I thought it would really cut back on the amount of time I'd have to work on the "Sutton At The Movies" blog. But you know what? It hasn't had a tremendous effect at all. In fact, I knocked out three reviews on Wednesday and Thursday alone. Wednesday saw me post No Holds Barred and Ready To Rumble, and yesterday saw Terminator Salvation. So be a dear and go read them, won't you?

Saturday, July 24, 2010

At Least It Wasn't AVP3

Hey folks, welcome back to the MSX. I've actually had a post I've been meaning to do for about a week now, but I've been putting it off out of sheer laziness. Forgive me.

But what I wanted to talk about was seeing Predators. I'd been looking forward to it since it was first announced, since I'm a fan of the Predator franchise. Yeah, so Predator 2 was mediocre and the Alien vs. Predator movies are super-lame. But I'm still a Predator fan and I had to see the new one.

And you know what? It was pretty darn cool. And awesome, too. Can't forget awesome. It's not quite as good as the original movie, but it doesn't need to be. It's its own thing, and is better for it. The cast is great, and it's a spectacularly-produced flick, with cool effects and kickass action scenes. I especially liked Laurence Fishburne's glorified cameo, which was a lot of fun and one of the biggest highlights of the movie.

It isn't playing around here anymore, but if it is in your neck of the woods, go see it. Predators is a real treat, and gets four stars on the Sutton Scale.

And before I wrap this up, I wanted to point you in the direction of the review I posted at S@TM last week. The review in question is my second consecutive Asylum review, their Paranormal Activity knockoff Paranormal Entity. Go check it out at your leisure.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

More Movie Talk

And while I've been trying to come up with more material that doesn't involve the latest movie I've seen, I've posted more material that involves the latest movie I've seen. Yeah. I'm a big ol' lame covered in lame-flavored syrup, aren't I?

This is the part where I'll point you in the direction of the S@TM blog, where I reviewed Monster this past Sunday. Sadly, it's not the Monster with Charlize Theron and Christina Ricci. That one was awesome. Instead, it's a tremendously bad knockoff of Cloverfield produced by The Asylum. Never heard of The Asylum? Go read the review and learn more!

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to try and come up with something else to talk about. I'll probably fail at it, though. (Why lie?)

The MSX Gets Raw

You know, I'd been looking for something other than movies to talk about here at the MSX. I was just having a hard time figuring out just what it would actually be. But after last night, I've got at least one post worth of new material.

I've said more than once in the past that I'm a fan of professional wrestling, so when it was announced that Lexington would be hosting a live broadcast of WWE's flagship TV show, Monday Night Raw, I just had to buy some tickets. The show was last night, and it was some of the most fun I'd had in a long time.

I'd been to two televised WWE shows - once on pay-per-view, the other taped for later broadcast - prior to this one, but something about this made it different. I'm not sure what it was; maybe the atmosphere, or being on live worldwide television. But the show was totally worth going to. I just hope that WWE can bring Raw back to my neck of the woods again sometime.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Death Blog: The Blog That Eats

I'm not sure Walmart should let me have any days off in the future, because all I do on those days off is review bad movies. I have all the proof of that I need in my latest post over at "S@TM", an obscure horror movie titled Death Bed: The Bed That Eats. I am not kidding, that is the movie's actual title.

I think I need to find some new hobbies, because if I watch any more movies like Death Bed, I may just snap and take all of you with me. Just see if I don't!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Getting Into "The Spirit" Of Things

Hey, folks, what's up? It completely slipped my mind until right now, but I wanted to let you, my faithful MSX readers, know about the new review I posted over at the S@TM blog. The movie in question is Frank Miller's The Spirit, a dumb yet oddly charming comic book adaptation that flopped something huge when it was released back on Christmas Day 2008.

So click that link and read the review, and have a happy Fourth of July weekend.