Thursday, January 26, 2012

Catching Up With Old News

So I just now realized that I haven't posted anything all month. Not one single word all January. I'd feel more ashamed of myself, but the truth is that I just plain didn't have anything to talk about.

The only really noteworthy thing that's happened all month is that the doctor I've been seeing about my busted-up foot told me three weeks ago that I could start putting weight on it again. This news has had both its good and bad parts, though. On the good side, I can start trying to actually walk with the aid of a walker instead of hopping around on one foot. It's been nice putting both feet on the ground when I try getting around the house.

On the bad side, though, is that the knee on my bad leg has been killing me all month. Part of it is probably due to a lot of stiffness I've been feeling in that knee. I also think I might have jammed it it in the wreck that caused all this in the first place. I can't prove that my knee is jammed, but I do know that the pain and stiffness is pretty annoying at times, unbearable at other times.

I've got another visit with my doctor next week, and I'm hoping for some more good news. He seemed pretty happy with how I'd been healing the last few times I've seen him, and I'd like to keep that going next time. My one wish is that he'd be able to tell me what the heck is up with my knee, or at least give me some kind of idea on how to fix it myself. Like with everything else in regards to my foot, it's just a "wait and see" type of thing. So here's hoping that this time next week, I can take another positive step forward (metaphorically speaking, of course).