Sunday, November 23, 2003

Pick A Screen And Run With It

Saw Gothika last night. Not bad, but not great. After I saw it, I said to myself it was like Stir of Echoes and Blair Witch 2 had a drunken one night stand, and I still think that. It was good up until the end, which I thought was a great big load of stupid. Robert Downey also felt like mumbling unintelligibly at the beginning of the movie, which I thought sucked. It's not a bad movie, but it just felt "eh."

Being at the theater last night was an odd experience. Apparently, the theater was having confusion over which screen the movie was playing on. Ushers bounced us around between two seperate screens, apparently unable to decide between seating us in the screens showing Gothika and the screen supposedly showing Elf. The stupid theater needs to get these things straight. And when the movie finally started, there was one girl sitting in the back of the theater that screamed at the top of her lungs every time there was a "jump scare." Even if it wasn't that scary at all, she'd scream. It was funny the first two or three times, but a million times over two hours just made me and everyone else in the theater want to strangle her. I mean, if you're gonna scream every time, then you might want to start avoiding the horror genre. It's not rocket science.

You know, I saw Home Alone on TV twice today on two different channels. Thanksgiving isn't for another four days, and they're already starting with the Christmas stuff. Most of the stores I go to had five or six aisles of Christmas stuff up at Halloween, while having only one aisle of Halloween stuff. I like Christmas, but this is insanity.

Not much else for today, so I'm out.

Saturday, November 22, 2003

Rock And Reviews

This update is brought to you by CKY. CKY performed "Escape From Hellview" on Craig Kilborn's talk show last night, so that made me a happy boy. I'm a CKY fan, and I enjoyed seeing them get some TV play. Download some of their MP3s or buy their CDs, because they're quality music.

Regardless, I've got three new updates at Sutton At The Movies. This time, it's the entire Terminator trilogy. Yep, all three of them. I worked all week on them, so I hope you read and enjoy.

It's really early in the morning, so I'm gonna go to sleep. Peace out.

Thursday, November 13, 2003

American Review

Wow, it's early in the morning.

I just wanted to share that I've written a new review for American Psycho, which you can read by heading to the "Sutton At The Movies" link, or clicking here. Now go to sleep.

Saturday, November 8, 2003

Thus Endeth The Matrix

Saw The Matrix: Revolutions last night. It's not bad, just some questions didn't feel like they were answered. What happens to everybody that was still plugged into the Matrix in the farms? Why is the French dude with the funny name hanging out in a leather bar? What's the point of the Train Man? I just don't get it. I need to go buy the Reloaded DVD (and maybe The Animatrix too) so things will make more sense, I guess.

There's a new review up at "Sutton At The Movies," this time it's They Live. I'll get around to Cube 2 and Day of the Dead whenever I feel like it.

Not much else is up for today, so I shall say goodbye for now.

Wednesday, November 5, 2003

Lots and Lots of Movies

While I'm thinking for it, I mentioned a few weeks ago that if you'd like to recommend a film for me to review out of my DVD collection, feel free to do so. That still stands. You can contact me via e-mail, AIM, or Delphi (if you're one of my Blog Nation colleagues). You don't have to if you don't want to, but if you want to, you can. I really don't care either way. I've got plans to review They Live, Dawn of the Dead, and Cube 2, but I figure I need to do something besides horror movies. Right? Exactly.

I also wanted to go see The Matrix: Revolutions tonight, but didn't. Probably this weekend. Who releases movies on Wednesdays, anyway? It's much more convenient to release them on Fridays or Saturdays. Stupid Warner Brothers. I also won't get to see Kill Bill: Volume 1 until the home video release, since the only theater within sixty miles stopped showing it yesterday to squeeze in Revolutions. Stupid butthole theater.

For those of you interested, I've got a good link to the Freddy vs. Jason DVD specs (thanks to Just click here, and you'll get all the info. But if I know most of my regular readers, I'm the only one that cares. Lousy no-good so-and-so's.

Anyway, I have nothing else to talk about at the moment, just Family Guy on TV. That's pretty much it. Have fun doing whatever you were doing before you came here, because I'm done for the day.

Monday, November 3, 2003

The Kentucky Blog Massacre, #3

There's been some talk at various stopping points in the Blog Nation about the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake. One of my contemporaries said today: "That was the worst movie I've ever seen in my life. I didn't watch half of it because it was just too gross and graphic. I thought it was really pointless."

Uh, B, that was the movie's intent: it's not supposed to have a point. It's just supposed to mess with your head and make you sick. Besides, you wouldn't go to see a movie titled "Chainsaw Massacre" and expect anything less than senseless violence. It's like watching Titanic and expecting the boat to stay afloat. With movies like this, I think it's scarier when there's no reason or purpose behind it, just because most homocidal maniacs don't have a reason or purpose for their actions. And B, if you want to see bloody movies, rent Cannibal Holocaust, The Last House on the Left, I Spit On Your Grave, or any Italian zombie movie. Look up pictures on the Net, if you want. You'll be shocked and astounded. Want to know how shocked and astounded? Cannibal Holocaust is supposedly so disgusting that even I refuse to watch it (though apparently no store in North America will carry it anyway).

That's not to say that The Texas Chainsaw Massacre wasn't gory and violent, because it most definately was. But there's far, far worse out there.

Saturday, November 1, 2003

Happy (Belated) Halloween

I enjoyed Halloween very much last night. At a relaxing 75 degrees, it wasn't as cold as last year, which is a good thing. The only bad thing is that some kids don't take pride in Halloween. I saw at least two or three kids not wearing costumes at all. Sure, I don't live in a high-rolling neighborhood, but come on. How much does Halloween makeup cost? A buck, buck-fifty? Geez, they could buy a cheap costume at Wal-Mart for five dollars. Maybe I take Halloween a little too seriously, I don't know. Methinks I have serious issues. Also unfortunately, there weren't any crazy-go-nuts parties. If there were, I didn't get invited to any. Such is the life of the unpopular one.

I meant to do this yesterday, but I'd also like to point out the "Horror Movie Survival Guide." I've added a few rules, cut some rules, and generally did a little spit-and-polish work on it.

Not much left to say today, as of right now. Just watching Anger Management on pay-per-view, and that's about it. Now go outside and get a life.