Thursday, April 29, 2010

Superman And The... Wait, What?!

I really should be getting ready for work right now, but I just had to share the new review I just posted over at "Sutton at the Movies." This trip into my DVD vault takes us to 1951, with the movie Superman and the Mole Men. Yes, you read that title right. It was more or less a theatrically-screened pilot for the Adventures of Superman TV show that aired back in the '50s, and I figured, "What the heck, might as well give a review a shot."

And that's just what I did. So if I could right it, couldn't you click the link and read it? I don't make a dime off these reviews, so I don't get anything but the satisfaction of having written them... but you'd still be my friend forever if you read them. Honest. Why would I lie? :)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Kicking Ass, Taking Names

If you were here on Sunday, then you saw me post my quick thoughts on the recently-released Kick-Ass. At the end of that post, I wrote that I wanted to write a full review for the S@TM blog.

So guess what? I totally have a new review up! And it's a review of Kick-Ass! So feel free to go click that link and read it, and maybe share it with your friends too. What could that hurt, huh?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Kick-Ass It Is, Kick Ass It Does

Today was what feels like a rare day off from work for me, so I celebrated by heading out to see Kick-Ass. And in a couple of words, it was awesome. I'm going to look like a total dork for admitting this, but I thought it was so great that I actually sat and watched it twice in a row. Kick-Ass is that kind of movie.

If you have even the smallest bit of interest in the movie, go see it. While it isn't for everyone and more than earns its R rating, it's also one of those movies that never lets up once it starts rolling. It both revers and thumbs its nose at superhero conventions, and if you're a fan, then you'll most likely enjoy Kick-Ass as much as I did.

While the action is exciting and the jokes are funny, what really makes the movie work is the acting. Every member of the cast is on their A-game, and make each second of the movie worth watching. This is especially true of Nicolas Cage and young Chloë Grace Moretz, who completely steal the show. Their performances are phenomenal, especially Moretz. They're totally worth the price of admission alone.

I'm actually hoping to do a full review of the movie for the S@TM sometime in the near future, so you'll be able to read my full, detailed thoughts if and when I get it posted. But as far as this blog goes, Kick-Ass is some first-rate entertainment. And on my Five-Star Sutton Scale, it definitely earns no less than four stars. Do yourself a favor and go check it out.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Where Do I Get A Clone Of My Own?

I've been working my butt off at Walmart over the last three weeks, but I've still been managing to find the time to tend to "Sutton At The Movies" when I can. It seems I've actually been working a bit harder on them, considering that I've knocked out one a week since the beginning of February.

And believe it or not, the streak continues with my latest review. Continuing my bad movie marathon, I've reviewed Parts: The Clonus Horror, a sci-fi movie from 1979 that would eventually be ripped off by Michael Bay's The Island. So click the link, read the review, and tell your friends, okay?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

No Soundtrack By The Clash? Boo!

Believe it or not, I haven't been to a movie theater since February, when I saw The Crazies. I just had to fix that. So tonight, while I had a day off from work, headed out with my folks to see the remake of Clash of the Titans. I wasn't really interested in seeing it, to be totally honest with you, but I needed some kind of break and a movie was the way to do it.

I'll admit that I've never actually seen the original Clash of the Titans, so I couldn't use it as some kind of point of reference. Either way, I thought the remake was fun yet pointless entertainment that's an acceptable way to spend two hours. My real problem with it, though, was that there was no reason at all for the movie to be in 3D. It contributes nothing whatsoever to the movie, and the decision to convert it from 2D was made just so they could add an extra $2.50 to the ticket prices.

But the truth is that there's not really a whole lot to say about the movie. It's not bad, it's not great... it's just okay. It's disposable entertainment, like I said. If you're in the mood for a movie and don't really care what you see, you could do worse than Clash of the Titans. So I guess I'd give it three stars on the Sutton Scale, if I had to be strong-armed into such things. But while I was on the fence about Clash of the Titans, I at least have Kick-Ass, the Nightmare on Elm Street remake, and Iron Man 2 to look forward to, right?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Finding Time When I Can

Some time ago, I noted that I thought having a job would have some sort of drastic effect on "Sutton At The Movies." Less time to write would mean fewer reviews, right?

But it's just a matter of finding the time when I can. And over the last week, I did manage to find a little time to continue my bad movie marathon. The newest movie up to bat is an obscure South African sci-fi movie called Space Mutiny. You Mystery Science Theater 3000 fans out there should know all about Space Mutiny. But for the uninitiated, believe me when I say that it really, really sucks. Really.

So won't you click the link and read my review? Please? You'll totally be my friend if you do!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

One Week In

Today marks the end of my first full week as an employee of Walmart. I'm tired, my feet and knees are sore, and I occasionally find myself getting more frustrated than I should in certain situations. But you know what? I think I'm doing okay.

The one real negative about it is that I got assigned to stocking the candy aisles, instead of working in sporting goods like I thought I would. And with Easter in full effect, stocking candy has been a real pain in my ass. I don't really want to get too deep into just how frustrating and tiresome it is, but I've got the next two days off, and I'd like to think that I earned them.

I'm one week into my tenure at Walmart, and I must admit that I'm happy I actually have a job, even if it tires me out nearly to the point of resenting it. But that's after just a week. How will it be after a month? A year? Will I even still be working there after that long? I don't know. We'll just have to take this whole thing one day at a time. That's all anybody can do, isn't it?