Saturday, April 3, 2010

One Week In

Today marks the end of my first full week as an employee of Walmart. I'm tired, my feet and knees are sore, and I occasionally find myself getting more frustrated than I should in certain situations. But you know what? I think I'm doing okay.

The one real negative about it is that I got assigned to stocking the candy aisles, instead of working in sporting goods like I thought I would. And with Easter in full effect, stocking candy has been a real pain in my ass. I don't really want to get too deep into just how frustrating and tiresome it is, but I've got the next two days off, and I'd like to think that I earned them.

I'm one week into my tenure at Walmart, and I must admit that I'm happy I actually have a job, even if it tires me out nearly to the point of resenting it. But that's after just a week. How will it be after a month? A year? Will I even still be working there after that long? I don't know. We'll just have to take this whole thing one day at a time. That's all anybody can do, isn't it?


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