Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween!

To celebrate today, I have a few new horror movie reviews for you, my dear readers. So you can check out my reviews for High Tension and the remake of House of Wax, and enjoy. I'd also be remiss if I didn't highlight my review for the one, the only, the classic, Halloween.

You know what's a little harsh? Sitting on my uncle's porch in 40-degree weather helping hand out candy. I had a great time, but it was so cold that it was hard to stay comfortable You know, I was supposed to be dressed like Fonzie, but you really couldn't tell I was dressed up at all because I was wearing my regular clothes. Such is the life of being the coolest man alive.

That's all I've got. Happy Halloween, Sutton out.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Oh Yes, There Was A Sequel

I just got home from seeing Saw 2, and oh man it ruled. You'll probably want to see the original Saw first to truly appreciate it, but Saw 2 is totally worth seeing. The Jigsaw Killer is just as creepy as he was in the first movie, the traps are just as disturbing, and the twist ending blew me away. It's not one of those crappy twists like The Village, where you see it coming a mile away, but one that is a total surprise. You never see it coming at first, but once you notice all the clues, it's so much fun. And that twist ending totally instills the hope in me that they make more sequels. Because I want to see them! Saw 2 gets four stars, and a recommendation to see it as a fun Halloween movie.

Sutton out.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Batman: Coolest Superhero Ever

Howdy folks. I had a new review I wanted to share, and I just couldn't sit on it any longer. And that review is Batman Begins. Check it out, and feel free to check out my reviews for the other five Batman movies while you're at it. There's the one based on Adam West's TV show, Tim Burton's Batman and Batman Returns, and Joel Schumacher's Batman Forever and Batman & Robin. And if you really want to, you can read the review for Catwoman too. Enjoy!

Sutton out.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Quickie Movie Reviews

I wanted to add a couple of quickie movie reviews while I was thinking about them. First up...

The Fog: I saw this on Tuesday, and I thought John Carpenter's version from the '80s was better. But still, I enjoyed the movie for what it was. The jump scares aren't really all that scary (maybe because I caught a 1:00 matinee, and horror movies are scarier at night), but the acting is solid, the effects are good, the premise is neat. I didn't hate the movie, so I'll give it three stars.

Doom: I caught this tonight, and believe it or not, I enjoyed the heck out of it. However, as much as I liked the movie, it's basically like someone saw the first Resident Evil movie and said, "Hey, wouldn't this movie be so much cooler if we replaced Milla Jovovich with The Rock and put the movie on Mars?" Because that's really what it's like. There's almost no plot at all outside of "there's monsters on Mars, and the Marines are going to blow them up," but the movie makes up for it with as much action as it can pack into 90 minutes. The movie isn't exactly the best in the world, and you never really care about any of the characters, but it's still fun as all hell. If you're a fan of the Doom games, then you'll totally love the scene near the end where we get a first-person view of the lead character going on a five-minute rampage armed with a machine gun and chainsaw. I had fun, so three and a half stars.

Sutton out.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Sutton Watches Smallville

So I'm sitting here watching Smallville, and they've got Aquaman as a guest star this episode. They had Kid Flash on there last season, Aquaman this season, so they'd better have Bruce Wayne on there before they cancel the show or I'm gonna be sad.

Meanwhile, I'm working on a couple of new reviews, and you'll be seeing them soon. Don't let the anticipation tear you apart, dear readers.

That's all. Sutton out.

Saturday, October 8, 2005

Quickie Movie Reviews

I finally got out of the house and did something for a change. I hit up the cinemas, and as promised on Thursday, here's the quickie reviews...

Corpse Bride: Oh man, was this great. I loved every minute of it. The stop-motion animation is spectacular, the voice work is fantastic, and it's just so entertaining. Four stars, and the recommendation to go see it right now.

Flightplan: Where do I begin? When you walk out of the theater totally confused for all the wrong reasons, that isn't good. I had absolutely NO clue why anything in the movie happened at all, and I had to rely to an online spoiler to grasp it. The movie was well-made, and Jodie Foster was really good, but the second half of the movie makes no sense at all. There are a handful of fun red herrings, but when the final revelations are made, it's just a great big disappointment. I'll give it three stars, though if you miss it, don't kick yourself over it.

The trip to the movies also marked a first for me, since I managed to sneak some candy and a drink into Flightplan. Snacks at movie theaters are too expensive nowadays, so a stop at Wal-Mart (for some candy and a 25-cent can of soda) and a baggy fleece sweater saved me a few dollars. And folks, saving money is pretty darn good. I also acquired the DVD of Adam West's Batman movie, proving that Wal-Mart's $5.50 discount bin can be your friend.

That's all I got. Sutton out.

Thursday, October 6, 2005

A Busy, Busy Weekend

Not a lot going on in Suttonville lately. I'd be a lot more involved here if I had stuff to do, but eh, what can you do?

We had a county festival last weekend, the last one before they change the name and move it to summer. It wasn't much, but I knew it wasn't going to be all bad when I heard a band playing "Free Bird" as soon as I got into the main part of the festival on Saturday. "Free Bird" = good times. My dad was in the parade, which was neat, and I managed to pick up some DVDs for a really good price too. I scored Saw, White Noise, and The Ring Two on Saturday for $30 (the vendor had a "three for $30" deal), then nabbed The Grudge on Sunday for $10 (though the price tag was marked at $12). I should have picked up Kill Bill 2 while I was at it, but that was all the money I had. Oh well, I can still get that for around $15 at Wal-Mart. Or one of my dear readers could pay a visit to my Amazon wish list, because that works too. :-D But anyway, I got a little sun, some fresh air and good movies, and bumped into some old friends I hadn't seen in a while, so I'd call last weekend a success.

Speaking of, I'm watching The Grudge as we speak, and it's still weird to see Sarah Michelle Gellar cowering in terror when confronted by the demonic hellspawn. I'm so used to her making some lame pun before kicking the bad guy into next Thursday, but I guess that happens when you play a monster killer for seven years.

If you haven't yet, head over to the New Hampshire Joyride and check out the post dated September 29th. I totally rocked out "Dynamite Kudo: The Album," and I just may do Volume 2. I'd have to put some thought into it, but when I do, look out for it. Because it'll rock just as hard as Volume 1.

That's all I've got tonight. But keep an eye open, since I may or may not have some quickie reviews tomorrow. Sutton out.