Friday, October 21, 2005

Quickie Movie Reviews

I wanted to add a couple of quickie movie reviews while I was thinking about them. First up...

The Fog: I saw this on Tuesday, and I thought John Carpenter's version from the '80s was better. But still, I enjoyed the movie for what it was. The jump scares aren't really all that scary (maybe because I caught a 1:00 matinee, and horror movies are scarier at night), but the acting is solid, the effects are good, the premise is neat. I didn't hate the movie, so I'll give it three stars.

Doom: I caught this tonight, and believe it or not, I enjoyed the heck out of it. However, as much as I liked the movie, it's basically like someone saw the first Resident Evil movie and said, "Hey, wouldn't this movie be so much cooler if we replaced Milla Jovovich with The Rock and put the movie on Mars?" Because that's really what it's like. There's almost no plot at all outside of "there's monsters on Mars, and the Marines are going to blow them up," but the movie makes up for it with as much action as it can pack into 90 minutes. The movie isn't exactly the best in the world, and you never really care about any of the characters, but it's still fun as all hell. If you're a fan of the Doom games, then you'll totally love the scene near the end where we get a first-person view of the lead character going on a five-minute rampage armed with a machine gun and chainsaw. I had fun, so three and a half stars.

Sutton out.


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