Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Another Post For Krissie

I was told recently that there's a certain someone that I don't talk about a lot here. Sorry about that, Krissie. I'll talk about you more often from now on, I promise. :)

Monday, December 29, 2003

Stuck On Movies

Hello and welcome back, dear readers. And greetings to you poor saps that stumbled here from Google (if you came here thanks to the Misty Mundae reference on Friday, hahaha sucker). If you're new, I'm glad to have you here. If you're not new, then I'm surprised you're still around.

Me and my dawg Mo went to Bardstown to see the new Farrely Brothers movie, Stuck On You. It had its moments, but most of the good stuff is in the TV commercials and trailer. The basic plot of the movies is a pair of conjoined twins, played by Matt Damon and Greg Kinnear, move to Hollywood from Martha's Vineyard because Kinnear's character wants to be an actor. Hilarity ensues once he's cast in a new TV show starring Cher (and I thought hearing Cher drop an F-bomb during the movie was funny). Overall, a thin plot and too many unfunny jokes hurt this one, so I'm gonna give Stuck On You two stars. There's better ways to kill two hours, so unless you're a fan of the cast or the Farrelys, you might want to skip this one.

I'm gonna wrap this up now. Thank you, come again.

Friday, December 26, 2003

Merry Day-After-Christmas

Hope everybody had a nice Christmas, because I know I did. :)

Okay, I'm sure everybody's wanting to know my Christmas swag. Or maybe not. I don't know. Whatever. Anyway, here's what I got on Christmas Day: the Indiana Jones DVD box set, The Matrix: Reloaded DVD, the X-Men 1.5 and X-Men 2 DVDs, Resident Evil Zero for my Gamecube, and 237 dollars. I took that 237 dead presidents to the Lexington mall today and picked up the first seven Friday The 13th movies, Jeepers Creepers 2, the "H25" special edition of Halloween, the video album for CKY's "Infiltrate Destroy Rebuild" (which is a DVD full of music videos of the songs from the CD, one of which stars B-movie queen/softcore porn star Misty Mundae), WWE's Ric Flair DVD, the Haggard soundtrack, and Mandy Moore's "Coverage" album. Good times.

I wonder how many people will see this site from Google thanks to me typing "softcore porn star" earlier. If you saw that on Google and thought there'd be pictures of Misty Mundae here, sorry. You'd be better off going here instead.

Anyway, there's not a whole lot I have to say other than sharing my swag. Once again, I hope everyone had a happy and safe Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa/Thursday, and I hope y'all have a safe New Year too. Peace.

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

An Internet Survey

Everybody's doing it, I guess I might as well too.

Full Name: Larry Matthew Sutton
What does your family call you? Matt
What do your friends call you? Mattie (well, just Krissie), Bubba, and a few college guys called me Flex
Birthday: May 29, 1982
Righty or lefty: Righty
Sign: Gemini
Siblings: a sister
Hair color: very dark blonde, so dark it's almost brown
Eye color: hazel
Shoe size: 11
Height: 5'10"
Any tattoos or piercings: no, though I have considered a few tattoos

------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
Been so drunk you blacked out: I've never drank a single drop of liquor ever
Missed school because it was raining: what kind of question is this?
Put a body part on fire for amusement: don't tempt me
Been hurt emotionally: yes, and it hurts like a mofo
Kept a secret from everyone: if I told you, then it wouldn't be a secret :P
Cried during a Movie: no
Been on stage: yes
Smoked: nope
Broken the law: why, are you the police?
Lied to keep yourself out of trouble: yes

Song: Currently it's "Flesh Into Gear" by CKY
Band/singer: CKY
Animal: I have two dogs. Draw your own conclusions.
Boys names: I've never thought about it
Girls names: Khloe Jade, Eliza Faith
Colour: blue
Cartoon: Family Guy. If we mean comic strips, then Peanuts.
Food: pizza
TV Show: Family Guy, Viva La Bam, WWE programming
Movie: A Nightmare on Elm Street, A Walk To Remember, The Return of the Living Dead, American Psycho
Ice Cream: Vanilla with lots of chocolate sauce
Drink: grape soda
Place to shop: Suncoast and Sam Goody
Actor: Bruce Campbell
Actress: I've never really thought about it
Number: 1

------------------RIGHT NOW------------------
Wearing: shorts, a T-shirt, and a fleece
I'm feeling: cold
Eating: nothing
Drinking: nothing
Thinking about: Krissie
Listening to: "Sweet Child O' Mine" by Guns 'N Roses

---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
Cried: no
Met someone new: no
Cleaned your room: not in the last month!
Done laundry: no
Drove a car: no

---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------
Yourself: Why wouldn't I? I think therefore I am.
Your friends: yes
Santa Claus: Oh yeah! I saw him at the mall on Saturday.
Tooth Fairy: no
Destiny/Fate: yes
Heaven and hell: yes
Angels: yes
Vampires: no
Ghosts: I'm torn on that one
UFO's: no

-----------------FRIENDS, LIFE & RELATIONSHIP------------------
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? I wish
Do you believe in love at first sight? it can happen
Who is your best friend? my homey Mo
Like anyone: that's for me to know and you not to worry about
Who's the loudest? me!
Who's the shyest? Mo, for sure
Who do you go to for advice? nowhere
When did you cry the most? after my grandfather died
What's the best feeling in the world? being loved
Worst feeling?: being truly alone
Do you plan on having children? yeah, though I think a dog would work just as good :P
Do you want to get married? yes
How old do you wanna be when your married: whenever
Would you have kids before marriage? No, but if it happens, it happens.

-----------------EXTRA STUFF------------------
Do you do drugs? never
What car do you wish you had? a '73 Oldsmobile Delta 88 Royale
Who is the last person that called you? my aunt
Where do you want to get married? a church
If you could change anything about yourself what would it be? I'd put off about 100 pounds
What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Gothika
Who would you hate being locked in a room with? somebody with a chronic case of the trots
Who would you like to be locked in a room with? a pretty girl who knows who she is
If it was your last day on earth, how would you spend it? I'd party like it's 2099
How would you like to be remembered after you are dead? I'd just like to be remembered period
If you saw a fight would you try and stop it: it depends on if one of my homeys is catching a beatdown
Would you fight for something you believe in: yeah

-----------------CHOOSE FROM------------------
Natural blonde/ bleached blonde: natural
Mountains/rivers: rivers
Beards/moustaches: mutton chops
Pepsi/Coke: Coke
Leader/Follower: follower :-Summer/Winter: autumn
Dogs/cats: dogs
Duck/goose: Goose! Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!
Pen/pencil: pen
Lights on/lights off: wouldn't YOU like to know ;-)
Will & Grace/Friends: neither
Museums/art galleries: museums
Handwritten/Typed: either/or
Curtains/Blinds: Blinds
Skateboards/Bikes: skateboards
Long hair/Short hair (for girls): either/or
Long hair/Short hair (for guys): my hair is fine how it is
Star Wars/Star Trek: Star Trek. You Star Wars nerds can bite my shiny Enterprise butt.
City/Countryside: countryside
Early bird/Night owl: Night owl!
Music/TV: both

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Blatant Movie Shilling

Nothing really to add today. Just wanted to point out the new additions to the "Blatant Movie Shilling" section. Those would be the theatrical release dates for The Passion of the Christ and Spider-Man 2, and the video release dates of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake and Cabin Fever. That's all, and I'm out for now.

Friday, December 12, 2003

Night of the Living Reviews

Just an update to share the three new reviews at "Sutton At The Movies." Those flicks are Night of the Living Dead, The Return of the Living Dead, and the direct-to-video Haggard. Enjoy. :)

Monday, December 8, 2003

Music And Movies

You know, I posted a few weeks ago about CKY, and I'd just like to reiterate the fact that they rock (and you can visit their official site at CKYMusic.com). I was actually talking to the Princess of Pink (the commoners know her as "B") about CKY and my favorite non-American band HIM (whose official site is here) a few days ago, and she'd never heard of them. That's understandable, most people haven't. CKY isn't really famous yet and HIM is from Europe. I do recommend downloading their MP3s or buying their albums, however. CKY has two easy-to-find albums ("Volume 1" and "Infiltrate Destroy Rebuild"), while HIM only has one American CD ("Razorblade Romance").

You know, I had considered posting the full specs for the Freddy Vs. Jason DVD (according to HorrorDVDs.com), but I think everyone is getting sick of me shoving it down their throats. Sure, nobody's come out and said anything, but I know some of you are thinking it. I know it's true. Don't try and deny it.

Wow, I didn't notice how late it is. I better get to bed. Peace out.

Saturday, December 6, 2003

The Action Figures Of My Nightmares

Happy Sunday to all my faithful readers (all three of you). It's about time I updated. I need to stop slacking off.

Went to an indy wrestling show this evening. The cruiserweight match was really good (including an insane spot where one of the wrestlers almost landed on some fans in the front row after being knocked off the top rope), but the rest of the show seemed, I don't know... underwhelming. But it was the best I could have expected for six bucks. It was weird seeing one of the wrestlers on the show attacking guys with farm machinery and getting dollar bills stapled to his forehead in a backyard wrestling video a few months ago, and now he's the indy fed's cruiserweight champ. Maybe it's because his dad is the promoter, I dunno.

Wowie wowie wow. Those are some good looking action figures. And I don't know where Rob got the idea that I'd wash your car if you bought me these. If you get me these, you'll get a friendly smile and a handshake (if you're lucky).

That's all for now. Until I return, courage.

Monday, December 1, 2003

Happy (Belated) Thanksgiving

You know, I haven't posted in a week. That's a long time. Wait, what am I talking about? There was a period where a once-a-week update from me would have been good, so one update a week is perfectly fine.

I hope everybody had a good Thanksgiving. And I hope my Canadian readers had a good Thursday. Me, my folks, sister, and sister's boyfriend went to a Cracker Barrel for lunch on Thanksgiving. No turkey, but a darn good meal regardless. And all this time I thought Cracker Barrel was all about good breakfasts. We also ran into some extended family members, too. And in a strange turn of events, the waitresses sat us and the other family members next to each other. Pure coincidence, I swear.

Boomerang makes me the happiest Looney Tunes fan of all. Every weekend this past month, they've been showing nothing but old-school Warner Brothers cartoons. The only complaint I have is that I have yet to see "The Barber of Seville," which is my all-time favorite. I love Looney Tunes, I do. ("Then why don't you marry it?") I just might.

I can't speak for everybody, but if S'mores Pop-Tarts aren't one of the best things ever invented, I don't know what is.

You know, I can't think of anything else to say for this post. And on that note, I shall bid you adieu. Buh-bye.