Lots and Lots of Movies
While I'm thinking for it, I mentioned a few weeks ago that if you'd like to recommend a film for me to review out of my DVD collection, feel free to do so. That still stands. You can contact me via e-mail, AIM, or Delphi (if you're one of my Blog Nation colleagues). You don't have to if you don't want to, but if you want to, you can. I really don't care either way. I've got plans to review They Live, Dawn of the Dead, and Cube 2, but I figure I need to do something besides horror movies. Right? Exactly.
I also wanted to go see The Matrix: Revolutions tonight, but didn't. Probably this weekend. Who releases movies on Wednesdays, anyway? It's much more convenient to release them on Fridays or Saturdays. Stupid Warner Brothers. I also won't get to see Kill Bill: Volume 1 until the home video release, since the only theater within sixty miles stopped showing it yesterday to squeeze in Revolutions. Stupid butthole theater.
For those of you interested, I've got a good link to the Freddy vs. Jason DVD specs (thanks to FridayThe13thFilms.com). Just click here, and you'll get all the info. But if I know most of my regular readers, I'm the only one that cares. Lousy no-good so-and-so's.
Anyway, I have nothing else to talk about at the moment, just Family Guy on TV. That's pretty much it. Have fun doing whatever you were doing before you came here, because I'm done for the day.
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