Tuesday, July 13, 2010

More Movie Talk

And while I've been trying to come up with more material that doesn't involve the latest movie I've seen, I've posted more material that involves the latest movie I've seen. Yeah. I'm a big ol' lame covered in lame-flavored syrup, aren't I?

This is the part where I'll point you in the direction of the S@TM blog, where I reviewed Monster this past Sunday. Sadly, it's not the Monster with Charlize Theron and Christina Ricci. That one was awesome. Instead, it's a tremendously bad knockoff of Cloverfield produced by The Asylum. Never heard of The Asylum? Go read the review and learn more!

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to try and come up with something else to talk about. I'll probably fail at it, though. (Why lie?)


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