Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

I know this post won't mean squat to my international readers, but I wanted to take a little time to wish everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving. Here's hoping that whatever you do to celebrate, you have a good time doing it.

Personally, I'll be spending the day the same way I do every year: watching the Macy's parade and eating turkey until I'm sick. I've spoken several times over the last couple of years about my love for the Macy's Thanksgiving parade, even through all the lame segments with Broadway musicals, marching bands I don't really care about, and lip-syncing singers I've never heard of. But watching the parade is something I've loved doing since I was a kid, and I always feel a little bummed that I've never had the change to go New York City and see it live and in person.

But enough with the blogging, I'm off to have a little holiday fun. Once again, happy Thanksgiving, and if you go out tomorrow, make sure you don't get trampled. We don't need anybody getting squashed because somebody had to buy a Cabbage Patch Kid.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Three In Two Days

After yesterday's review of Twilight, I was still in a reviewing groove. I was in such a groove, in fact, that I knocked out two more reviews today.

This time around, I hit both the 1979 and 2005 versions of The Amityville Horror. I've actually been working on these reviews for a year or two now, slowly chipping away at them until they were ready to post tonight. So go check them out, won't you?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Lamest Vampires Ever

Guess who posted a new movie review online?


Yes, I've been working on a brand new review, and I figure that now would be a good a time as any to post it.

So what movie have I reviewed this time around? With New Moon hitting theaters yesterday, I braved the two hours of hell that was its predecessor, Twilight. You're reading that right. I actually sat through Twilight and wrote a review of it. Why I felt the desire to do so, I'm not entirely sure. But I did it, so there's no going back now. Go check that out, and if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go watch some good vampire movies to try and get the Twilight stink off me.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Happy Friday the 13th!

If you've looked at the calendar today, then you may have noticed that today is Friday the 13th. It's supposed to be the second biggest day of the year to horror fans like me, thanks in large part to both the superstitions around the day and that long-running series of movies from the '80s.

At least, it was a pretty cool day for horror fans when I was younger. There would always be two or three channels running a whole bunch of the Friday the 13th movies in a row to mark the day. But I guess times have changed. Spike TV showed Part 4 earlier today, but outside of that, I haven't seen any other channels planning anything. I checked up until this time tomorrow, and nobody has any of the movies lined up. They're not even showing that Friday the 13th TV show.

And as someone who grew up as a fan of the movies, that's a real shame. I know Halloween is the hot day for horror, so I kind of expect to see someone like AMC show whatever Halloween movies they can get (even if AMC does show the same two over and over). But seeing no love for Friday the 13th, neither the day nor the movies, is kinda sad.

At least I have the DVDs, though. Right?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Maybe My Name Needs An Umlaut

I said the other day that I wanted to start posing more reviews over at the S@TM blog, and I'm doing my best to stick to that. So coming up to bat over there is Brüno, Sacha Baron Cohen's follow up to Borat from this past summer. It's probably not as good as some of my other reviews, but content's content.

I'm still putting in some work on some Christmas reviews for December, but I'm still truing to find some movies to review so that November isn't a relatively blank slate. I've got my eye on some movies at the top of my Netflix list, so you may be seeing some more new content at the S@TM blog soon. Now if only I could think of new content for this blog...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Adding To The New S@TM Blog

In the absence of having anything interesting to do or talk about lately, I decided to give writing a shot. I've always heard that writers write what they know, so I went back to my old standard: the movie review.

For the first official review of the post-Tripod era, I hit the recently released Paranormal Activity. I'm sure there are people out there who are sick to death of hearing about that movie, but I had to contribute my own review. So go check it out, won't you? No, really, go check it out, or I'll haunt you like the ghosts in the movie.

But if you've been wondering what I've been up to for the last week or so, that's been about it. Just hanging around working on new reviews. With the Tripod MSX a thing of the past, I've been working on trying to make the Blogger edition of "Sutton at the Movies" a little more special. I'd like write reviews more often than what I do, so I've been trying to put a touch of work on some new ones lately. I'm also hoping to get a few Christmas-themed reviews sprinkled throughout the month of December, as opposed to the ones on Christmas Day that I've done for the last couple of years. And beginning in 2010, I'd really like to start reviewing more movies that are still in theaters. I don't do that nearly enough, and I think I would be an interesting challenge to take a little bit bigger step outside of my usual comfort zone when it comes to writing my movie reviews.

So that's basically the status of the MSX/S@TM at this point. Things have been kinda hectic around here lately, but hopefully I'll be able to get back into some kind of a routine. I know this isn't the best or the most popular blog on the Internet, but I at least like to try my best. And there's nothing wrong with that.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The End Of The Road

It was eight years ago today that something special was born. Created from the simple intentions of ripping off someone else's idea, it has spent the better part of this decade taking up space and resources from this vast series of tubes we call the Internet. That creation, loved by none but its faithful originator, has become a staple of websites that people accidentally stumble upon when doing random Google searches.

You know what, to hell with the grand introduction. I'm talking about the MSX. But you figured that, right?

So yeah, today is the eighth birthday of the blog you are currently reading. I can't believe I've kept this goofy little thing going for that long, especially since nobody but myself and my parents read it. But it's still around, and it's entering its eighth year today. I'm as surprised as you probably are.

But while today is a day for the (non-existent) devoted followers of the MSX to party, it's also kind of a bummer. I've arrived at my self-imposed deadline, and it's time to announce the closing of the "original Experience," the old-school Tripod version of the MSX. The Tripod version is where this blog got its start, and since I made the move to Blogger a couple of years ago, I've used it as a simulcast for Blogger and as a host for my movie reviews. But with the unbelievably negligible amount of free space I have left on Tripod, and considering what today is, I think it's time to shut off the lights on the Tripod version. After eight years and somewhere in the neighborhood of 880 posts, the original Experience is now closed. It'll remain up as sort of a museum, but there will be no more new content coming from it.

And I'm suddenly reminded that it's time for the big unveiling I promised oh so long ago: the Sutton at the Movies blog! I've been keeping this under my hat for sometime, but now is the perfect opportunity for it to make its public debut. So when you've finished celebrating the MSX's birthday, head on over to the S@TM blog if you so desire.

So happy birthday, MSX, and rest in peace, Tripod MSX. I still can't believe I've been up to this for nearly a decade.