Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

I know this post won't mean squat to my international readers, but I wanted to take a little time to wish everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving. Here's hoping that whatever you do to celebrate, you have a good time doing it.

Personally, I'll be spending the day the same way I do every year: watching the Macy's parade and eating turkey until I'm sick. I've spoken several times over the last couple of years about my love for the Macy's Thanksgiving parade, even through all the lame segments with Broadway musicals, marching bands I don't really care about, and lip-syncing singers I've never heard of. But watching the parade is something I've loved doing since I was a kid, and I always feel a little bummed that I've never had the change to go New York City and see it live and in person.

But enough with the blogging, I'm off to have a little holiday fun. Once again, happy Thanksgiving, and if you go out tomorrow, make sure you don't get trampled. We don't need anybody getting squashed because somebody had to buy a Cabbage Patch Kid.


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