Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Reviews, New And Yet To Come

Howdy, folks, and welcome back to the MSX. Things have been moving a bit on the slow side lately, partly due to me fighting a cold for the better part of the month. Because of that, I've had plenty of free time. And you're in luck, too, because I've spent that free time working on potential new reviews for "Sutton At The Movies."

I've actually just finished up a new one, as a mater of fact. With all of the recent financial success that Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen has seen, in spite of just how awful the movie is, I thought I'd go all the way back to the beginning and review some Transformers history. No, not Michael Bay's first Transformers movie, though I might have to review that one in the future. Instead, I reviewed the 1986 animated flick The Transformers: The Movie. Yes, folks, the movie directly based on the Transformers cartoon. I can't say I particularly liked it, but at least it was better than Revenge of the Fallen.

But after this, there's quite a few reviews I've been aiming to write. I've been prepping reviews of Terminator Salvation, Saw V, and a few others, and I've even been considering doing a review of the legendary Troll 2. If you haven't heard of it, good for you. It's considered one of the most unbelievably awful movies of all time. I have yet to actually watch it, but I do have a downloaded copy in my possession. I'm almost afraid to watch it, though, because its reputation alone has already scared me enough. But maybe, just maybe, I'll subject myself to the horrors of Troll 2 for the betterment of "Sutton At The Movies."


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Gayest Movie Ever

There aren't really a whole lot of movies coming out this month that I'm particularly interested in, bu one of the few that's drawn my eye is Bruno. I was a fan of Borat, so I figured I'd go check it out this afternoon. And I thought it was an entertaining movie. I didn't think it was as funny as Borat, but it was still a really funny flick.

Bruno won't be for everyone. There are some parts that could offend people, others that will shock or disgust them. It's essentially Borat, only really, really, really, flamboyantly gay, so the majority of you reading this have already made up your mind as to whether or not you're going to see it. But I've seen it and liked it, so I'll give it three and a half stars and a thumbs up.

And I know Sasha Baron Cohen has already made Ali G Indahouse, but at this point, he could probably get away with making a new, mainstream Ali G movie in the style of Borat or Bruno. That way, he could hit the hat trick of his three characters and make himself quite a bit more money.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Two In A Row

Guess who just finished a new review for "Sutton At The Movies"?


I know, right? Two reviews in two days. I'm as surprised as you are. But enough about me, let's get to the review. This time around, it's the 1994 flick Double Dragon, the second movie to ever be adapted from a video game. It's a pretty awful movie, so I hope you readers appreciate this.

So go read that, and if you haven't read the review of Watchmen that I posted yesterday, do that too. I don't write these things for my health.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Who Reviews The Watchmen? (Hint: Me.)

Howdy, folks. I hope you "Sutton at the Movies" fans are ready for some excitement, because I've got a brand new review ready for your consumption. The movie in question: Zack Snyder's adaptation of Watchmen. You know, the superhero movie that came out earlier this year and didn't star Wolverine. So go read the review, and in a week and a half, go buy the DVD. Okay?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Who Ya Gonna Call?

Remember all the way back in December, when I complained about my Xbox 360 crashing? I'd been sitting on it for several months, waiting until I could afford the $100 charge to fix it. Turns out Microsoft added my particular problem to the extended warranty back in April and I didn't find out until a few weeks ago. So I mailed it off to Microsoft and got it taken care of for free, and I finally got it back yesterday.

Since then, I've been playing a lot of Ghostbusters: The Video Game. I actually just beat it a few minutes ago. I got the game for free thanks to the fine folks over at GBfans.com, so I don't think I could really complain about a free game. But even if I'd paid full price for it, the game would have been just as fun. I've been a Ghostbusters fan since I was a little kid, and the game only reinforced my enthusiasm for the Ghostbusters. The controls are easy to learn, and the game itself is a lot of fun to play. I'm not a video game reviewer, and the fact that I actually own and enjoy Sneak King shows what my opinion on video games is probably worth. But Ghostbusters: The Video Game is a heck of a game. You can't go wrong with it. So go buy yourself a copy.

Now if they'd ever get around to actually making Ghostbusters 3 instead of just talking about it...