Still Moving Forward
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately in regards to that New Year's resolution I made back in January. I resolved to move forward, by which I mean that I plan on using 2007 to make up for all the years I spent sitting around all that pesky responsibility crap that seems to be all the rage with the kids nowadays.
As much as I want to get out there and improve my mediocre, slacker-ific existence, I'm not exactly sure where I want to start. I have an idea or two, but the correct path hasn't made itself completely clear yet. I think it would be best if I just sat down and mapped out exactly what I'd like to accomplish in order to achive what I'm looking for. I mean, I don't want to be some unemployed slacker bumming rides off my parents for the rest of my life because I refused to grow up.
We're only three months into 2007, and I'm hoping that by the time 2008 rolls around, my path to glory will become more evident. I said in January that this was going to be my year, that I would move forward and out of the quagmire that I've let myself sink into. And I'm going to make that happen, believe me.
As much as I want to get out there and improve my mediocre, slacker-ific existence, I'm not exactly sure where I want to start. I have an idea or two, but the correct path hasn't made itself completely clear yet. I think it would be best if I just sat down and mapped out exactly what I'd like to accomplish in order to achive what I'm looking for. I mean, I don't want to be some unemployed slacker bumming rides off my parents for the rest of my life because I refused to grow up.
We're only three months into 2007, and I'm hoping that by the time 2008 rolls around, my path to glory will become more evident. I said in January that this was going to be my year, that I would move forward and out of the quagmire that I've let myself sink into. And I'm going to make that happen, believe me.
Self improvement is never a bad thing. And I certainly wish you all the luck in the world with that. I wish I was able to do more than I was right now.
Just keep in mind that material success is always a distant second to whether you're a nice person and improve people's lives when it comes to determining just what quality of a person you are. Some of the people who will never have to worry about bumming rides from anyone have been the worst people I've ever known.
I'm just aiming to have a little more self-reliance, is all.
I hear you. I'm just saying don't lose sight of the more important things or think less of yourself without considering them. That's all.
I quote the Borat movie: "If you chase a dream — especially one with a plastic chest — you can miss the real beauty in front of you."
That's some zen right there.
And I quote another great movie...
So, was being green fun?
Look, I don't want to talk about being green anymore. So go poke Webb's eyes out, just so he doesn't squeal about it.
Well, I just wondered. I always wanted to be green.
I think 'quagmire' might be a little harsh, since you're such a swell guy and all. But I'm behind you all the way, man. I know you can do great things and shake the world! I know that someday I'll either have a book on my shelf with your name on it or a dvd in my collection that you directed ... or something like that.
Destiny is yours!
Sneaking in to second what Lib said.
As someone who was at that point not too long ago (well, October 2004...hmm. Two years and change. I guess it depends on your perspective), it really only takes one good thing happening to get the ball rolling.
In my case, it was the Telvista job.
In your case...unless Bob Barker gives you a car or you win the lottery, it'll probably also be a job. With job comes money, if you stick at the job for a while you'll be able to get a better job, and so forth.
Lib is right - you've got a lot of great potential. You're a good writer and as this blog shows, you know how to dedicate yourself to something and keep it going for a while. You will do well.
Just have to have that one good thing to get the ball rolling.
See what I'm saying? The people know. The word is out. Sutton brings the talent!
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