Saturday, July 7, 2012

Everything's Better With Bears

So now that we're a few days into July, I really should get around to posting something. And I actually have a few things to talk about, too! I'll break them up into separate posts, but you'll definitely be hearing about all of it.

First up, I wanted to talk about my recent voyages to the movie theater. I caught the midnight showing of The Amazing Spider-Man on Monday night, and I'm working on a full review of it for the S@TM blog, so I'm just gonna tell you to follow that blog because my opinions of Spidey are coming in a few days (hopefully). So with this post, we'll be discussing the other movie I saw, Seth MacFarlane's Ted. Long story short, the movie is awesome. I'm usually on the fence about MacFarlane's output (I dislike Family Guy but enjoy the occasional episode of American Dad), but I can in fact say that I enjoyed Ted a lot. It's sweet, hilarious, and entertaining, and it gets four stars on my usual scale along with a solid recommendation.

Meanwhile, I have another post coming up. Stay tuned.


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