Sunday, February 5, 2012

Kate Beckinsale In 3D? Yes, Please.

And in other, unrelated news, I got out of the house last week, before my trip to the doctor's office, to see Underworld: Awakening, my first visit to the movies of 2012. I'm bummed I missed the whole month of January, but the only thing that caught my attention all month was The Devil Inside. And it got such horrible reviews (I actually heard stories of audiences booing the movie as it ended), I'm almost glad my health kept me at home. But now I almost have to see it once the DVD comes out just to see if it really is as bad as I've heard.

But we're here to talk not about The Devil Inside, but about Underworld: Awakening. I honestly haven't seen the first or third Underworld movies, but I figured I might as well give it a shot. It's Kate Beckinsale fighting monsters in 3D; how could anything go wrong?

The truth is, though, that the movie is just more of the same thing I've seen out of the first three Underworld movies, only in 3D. It's just Kate Beckinsale fighting monsters, no more, no less. The basic "humans know vampires and werewolves are real" concept is barely explored, and the movie ends up degenerating into the same "vampires vs. werewolves" story as always almost as soon as it begins.

The 3D is really the only thing the filmmakers add to shake things up. And for all it's worth, the 3D effects are just okay at best. It really doesn't add a whole lot to the movie. Yeah, you gets some more depth to the images flickering onscreen, but not much "pops." There's a few moments where the 3D looks really cool, like the car chase near the beginning of the movie, but the whole thing comes off as being more of a desperate cash-grab via increased ticket prices than an opportunity to add a little extra spectacle to the movie. The movie probably works just as well in 2D.

But really, Underworld: Awakening isn't anything special. It's not bad, but it's not great either. The movie is just kinda there. However, it does have its moments and is a fun diversion for a few hours on a boring day. So I'm gonna give it two and a half stars and tell you to see it when it hits the cheap theaters.


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