Sunday, February 5, 2012

Cane And Able

If you're a regular reader of this blog, or a friend (or even mild acquaintance) of mine, then you're probably wondering how I'm doing in regards to my broken heel. Well, I do have some good news for you.

I saw my doctor a few days ago, and he's impressed enough with the way I'm healing that he told me I could lose my walker and crutches and start walking with a cane. I'm actually a little afraid, since I spent a good long while learning to move around with a walker and now I have to spend six weeks learning how to walk with something new. The scariest part of it is that I'm afraid of losing my balance and falling down. I've got hardwood floors in my house, and if I fall down, I'll probably be adding to my list of injuries.

But when I see my doctor again in six weeks, I'm hoping I'll have mastered the cane enough that he can give me some more good news. Walking as well as I did before my car wreck is more than likely out of the question, but if I can come out of this whole situation with nothing worse than a mild limp, I think I'll be okay. And I'm okay with okay.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm confident that when you next visit your doctor, you will probably be told you can go back to work.

February 6, 2012 at 9:46 AM  

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