Friday, December 9, 2011

Breaking News

Though this is my own personal blog, I don't really give a lot of personal details here. Thoughts and opinions, sure, but very rarely do I go in depth about myself. It's just a matter of privacy, is all. I don't want to air all of my dirty laundry out there for God and everybody to see. But something happened to me a couple of weeks ago and I have to talk about it. If and when I go through these posts years down the line, I want to be able to remember it.

What happened was that I was in a car wreck the Sunday after Thanksgiving, November 27th. I came upon a car accident on the highway and couldn't slow down quickly enough, and swerved to avoid hitting another vehicle. Just my luck, I ended up rear-ending a fire truck that was on the scene. Lucky for me there were already EMTs on the scene, since I was hurt in the wreck. Turns out the only thing seriously wrong with me, though, was that I fractured the heel of my right foot.

And let me tell you, folks, it hasn't been fun. The pain has been bothersome enough, but what bugs me the most is the fear. I'm scared to death of what will happen to me. I'm scared of potentially needing surgery to put pins and plates into my foot to rebuild it. I'm scared of wearing a cast if I don't get the surgery. I'm even scared of traffic now, if you can believe that. (A little psychological trauma goes a long way.)

I've tried putting on a happy face for the last two weeks, but it's really hard to do when you're worried all the time and when the pain is almost too much to bear. I'm just hoping for some kind of good news to come my way soon, because I could use it. We'll just have to see how it goes.

That's really all I can do at this point. Just see how things go.


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