Sunday, August 14, 2011

Hey, I'm On TV!

And it just hit me: I had something to post about two weeks ago and totally forgot about it. In my post about Cowboys & Aliens, I promised to post something about the "big plans" I had. And being the neglectful blogger I am, I didn't type that first word about it until right now.

Turns out those big plans saw me and a co-worker attending a taping of WWE's SmackDown TV show. The episode's already aired, so I can't exactly tell you to tune in. But I can do this...

See if you can spot me in these three videos! :)

But the show was great, especially for the price I paid. I bought the tickets on eBay for 50 bucks plus shipping, and they were $45.50 each. And the seats were only six or seven rows back to boot.

The crazy thing, though, was that even though I only paid for two seats, me friend and I had five seats at our disposal. The three seats to our right were empty for pretty much the entire night. The people who bought them got there half an hour late, then got up after fifteen minutes and never returned. I can't say that I know why, but I'm not going to complain. In fact, I'd probably thank them for letting me and my friend have their seats. Yeah, we totally moved down to where they were sitting. And doing so allowed me and my friend to get our picture taken for the arena's Facebook page. The picture at the top of this paragraph? That's me in the Green Lantern shirt.

I doubt I have many readers who are pro wrestling fans, and I doubt I could convert them. But those of you who are fans and have never been to a live WWE event or one of their TV tapings, I can't begin to tell you just how fun it is. It's totally worth the time and money. My friend and I had a blast, and I can't wait to do it again in the future.


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