Monday, June 13, 2011

"Super 8" Is Super Great

Okay, I should apologize for that headline. It's cheesy and silly and I'm sorry. I just wanted to see if I could come up with a dumb quote to get myself in the commercials and on the DVD cover. (Do you think it'll work? I hope it'll work.)

But as you probably guessed, I just this afternoon saw Super 8. I can't say I was as excited to see it as most people, since the trailers didn't really do anything for me. I wasn't in any rush to see Super 8, but I figured I might as well. So just what did I think of the movie? You saw the headline; that pretty much describes my opinion. Super 8 is an awesome, awesome movie.

I know everybody's been on a big kick pointing out how it's a throwback to the movies Steven Spielberg was making during the late-70s and early-80s. But judging it on its own merits, Super 8 is a fantastic, fun movie. It's a compelling watch; the story is great, the special effects are stellar, and the acting is amazingly good. If you've been putting off seeing Super 8, you'd really be doing yourself a favor by seeing it now. Seriously, go see it. Me, I'm totally giving it four and a half stars on my usual scale.

So yeah, if you haven't seen Super 8 yet, you're missing out. Please go see it. Do it. Now.


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