Friday, March 25, 2011

I Wish I Had A Cool Alien Friend

You know, every time I post here, I'm reminded of how lazy I am when it comes to the MSX. I mention that because I meant to write this post last Friday and I completely forgot about it until right now. I know I complain about it all the time, but I really should start working to improve that.

Anyway, I had a day off last Friday, and I headed out to see both Hall Pass and Paul. That was the plan, anyway. I stopped at the McDonald's next door to the theater before seeing anything, but when I went to pay for my order, I realized that I'd left all my money at home. Because I'm an idiot. So by the time I got back home to retrieve what scant money I had and made it back to the theater, I really only had time to see Paul.

As someone who enjoys the work of Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, and Seth Rogan, I had a hell of a lot of fun watching Paul. It's totally a love letter to the alien movies from the '70s and '80s, but a great movie in its own right. The only real problem I had with the movie was that I didn't care much for Kristin Wiig or her character. But then again, I've never a fan of Wiig, so that's probably part of it. But other than that, Paul is two hours of pure entertainment from start to finish. The only thing that could have made it better is if Edgar Wright had directed it. I'm going to give it three and a half stars leaning towards four, and a thumbs-up.

And let me tell you, I'll be glad when May gets here so the summer blockbuster season can get started. Outside of Sucker Punch and Scream 4, there's not really much I'm looking forward to until Thor comes out in May. You'd better hurry up, April. You hear me? Make it quick, April!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Working For The Weekend

Wow, we're already this far into March and I haven't blogged once yet? I'm noth disappointed and not surprised. With so little blogging as I do here to begin with, I'm not sure why I continue to keep the MSX open. I say more on my Twitter feed than I do here. But I guess it's mostly due to having had it open so long that I can't see myself not having the MSX around in some fashion. No sense in changing some status quos.

But I guess I can blog about a few things while I'm here. For starters, I had to skip this month's screening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Lexington. I'm bummed tremendously by that, since I apparently missed a heck of a show (according to the shadowcast's Facebook page, anyway). I hate that I had to miss out, but there's always next month, right?

In other blog-worthy news, I've been doing a lot of work over in the electronics department of Walmart instead of my usual position in grocery. They've been bouncing me back and forth between grocery and alectronics, along with having me get fish for customers since there's apparently nobody in the pets department during my shift. And I'll have to check my paystub tomorrow, but I fear that I may not have gotten the raise that would come with working in electronics. It'd be only forty cents more than what I'm making now, but if that's forty cents that I earned and that Walmart is supposed to be putting in my pocket, then I'm fairly certain that the entire building will be engulfed in a blaze fueled solely by my white-hot rage. No kidding.

But I think I'm getting along okay in electronics for now. It's more stressful, and there's more work that's expected of me, but at least the days seem to go by quicker. The really bad part is that working in grocery gave me more opportunities to find somewhere to hide and relax for a few minutes. I knew where all the security cameras in grocery were (and where they weren't), meaning that I knew where I could get away with standing around shooting the breeze with somebody. But the cameras are everywhere in electronics. What a bummer.

I'm not sure if my stay in electronics is permanent, and I'm torn on whether or not I want it to be. But like with everything else, we'll have to ride it out and see how things go. Hopefully it all turns out well in the end.