Sunday, September 12, 2010

Two New Links To Click

Okay, so I've been a bit lazy when it comes to doing stuff with this particular blog. I've never really posted anything worthwhile in the first place, but now I'm feeling like I barely even post here at all. I mean, as I write this, there's still posts from July on the blog's front page. What's up with that?

I guess it's just because I never have anything worth talking about. There's nothing about my job that I can't just say on Twitter, and beyond that, I can't think of anything meaningful. I'm not really one to ponder things, sadly enough. It'd make for far more intriguing writing if I was. People might actually read this stupid thing if I had something to say.

At least my other blog is getting a little more love from me. It seems like every time I post here, it's just to say that I've posted over there. Which reminds me, there's two brand new reviews over at the S@TM blog, for the recently-released Machete and Resident Evil: Afterlife. It isn't every day that I review a movie that's still in theaters, but to do so three weeks in a row is pretty cool.

So now that that's out of the way, I've gotta go get ready for work. Hopefully, I'll have something better to say next time. (I doubt it, though.)


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