Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Real War Should Have Ended That Way

I can't really say I've seen many World War II movies. But when I heard that Quentin Tarantino was making one, I had to go see it. So that's exactly what I did this afternoon when I headed out to catch Inglourious Basterds. And it isn't that bad of a movie, either. I've seen better from Tarantino, but I've seen far worse too.

My real problem with the movie is that there's so much that could have trimmed from the movie. Did we absolutely need the whole side plot with the Jewish theater owner wanting to kill Nazis? Did we need a 30-minute scene where some undercover allies play a drinking game with a Nazi soldier? (I'm not sure if it was actually 30 minutes, but it sure felt like it.) But if they'd taken that out and focused primarily on Brad Pitt and his gang of soldiers, I'd have appreciated the movie a lot more.

But other than that, Inglourious Basterds is an entertaining enough movie. Pitt is awesome, Tarantino's dialogue is great, and the movie looks fantastic. I think I'll probably give it three and a half stars on my usual scale of five. I don't know if I'd recommend it to anyone other than die-hard Tarantino fans, but if you like his work, you'll like Inglourious Basterds. Even with its flaws, it's still a million times better than Death Proof.


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