Monday, March 30, 2009

Sooner or Later (Preferably Sooner)

Oh wow, has it really been two weeks since my last post? I can blame it on the fact that nothing really worth talking about has been going on lately. It's been kinda boring these last fifteen or so days. But then I realize that I'm just not very good when it comes to thinking up topics of discussion. I know that nobody reads this blog, and they haven't for a while. But if I can't even be bothered to come up with something to talk about, then that's just bad blogging on my part. So why don't we break that silence with something? Since I don't really have anything new or worthwhile to talk about, I think I'll just go back to that old dead horse and beat it some more while I talk about my writing projects.

Yes, I'm still working on "Super Saturday 2," unfortunately. You probably naturally assumed that since I hadn't posted it yet. But I am making some major headway on it, so don't think I've given up. I actually finished up two reviews in the project over the weekend. That leaves me with only three left to finish. I'm actually still debating on whether or not to add Watchmen to the list, but I think I might wait for the DVD release unless a high-quality copy turns up online. I don't know if I could do the whole thing from memory at this point, plus I'd want to watch it again just to make sure it holds up past the whole "yay, a Watchmen movie!" thrill.

Without Watchmen in the queue, the tally currently stands at seventeen finished, and three left to go. It's taken me nine months to write all of these, and I'm surprised by how the professionals manage to crank out as many as they do. Am I just a slow writer? Or is it just that I end up taking my time since I'm not burdened by the pressures of a deadline? Maybe it's a combination of both? Either way, I doubt I'll do a project of this size again. I know I've said that before, but I mean it. It's too much of a hassle to do something this big, even as a hobby. But since I don't have much left to finish, I'm hoping to have "Super Saturday 2" done soon. I've been avoiding setting a date, but here's hoping that it will be sooner rather than later.


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