Sunday, March 8, 2009


So if you thought Watchmen was going to be the only busy part of my weekend, you'd be dead wrong. Also happening over the last couple of days was my sister's wedding. The wedding was last night, so the midnight showing of Watchmen, the rehearsal, setting up the reception, the wedding, and the reception, I've been having my fair share of late-night activities lately.

Anyway, outside of one itty-bitty misstep that really didn't matter in the grand scheme of things, pretty much everything went off without a hitch. That's how it seemed from where I was; It's hard to tell how it looked from the crowd, since I was a groomsman and all. But everything went well, the bride and groom are happy and will be leaving for their honeymoon in a few hours, and everybody's fine, so good times.

With all the crazy stuff pretty much out of the way now, maybe things can go back to as normal as they get around here. It'll be getting used to my sister having a different last name and two stepchildren that will take some time, though.


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