Thursday, February 19, 2009

Planning Ahead

I've been thinking about the future a lot lately. Considering where life has taken me over the last year or two, I kinda have to. But I've also been thinking about the future of more trivial, superficial things, specifically my old, original blog hosted by Tripod. Ever since I broke ground on the Blogger version of the MSX a few years ago, the Tripod version has been used to simulcast my Blogger posts and serve as the home for my "Sutton At The Movies" hobby. But the truth is that I only bother updating the simulcast once every few months, and once I run out of server space, I won't even have that to do anymore. And I'm not completely sure what I'd do once that happened.

I could always fork over the money for more server space, but that isn't exactly a viable option at the moment. And due to my admittedly limited HTML skills, I doubt you'll ever see any time soon. My idea would probably be to just let the old Tripod site stand as "the Ghost of Blogging Past" once I completely run out of room, and put up a notice redirecting everyone over to the Blogger MSX. And as for S@TM, I'd more than likely open up a new blog devoted exclusively to my reviews. It would probably be a pain in the neck to archive the old reviews, but I could live with it.

As it stands right now, it'll be a while before I totally abandon the Tripod blog, even considering how much I neglect it now. It might be several months or even a year before I really have to start worrying about it. But it doesn't hurt to plan ahead, does it?


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