Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Nearing The Finish Line... Maybe

It's been a while since I last spoke about it, so I figure I might as well take the opportunity to participate in further discussion in regards to "Super Saturday 2." For you newcomers to the MSX, Super Saturday was a project I did a few years back, a cabal of reviews I did with a central theme: movies based on superheroes featured in the pages of DC and Marvel comic books, with Hellboy thrown in for good measure. I started working on a sequel back in June, and since then, I've been wondering just what the heck I'd gotten myself into. I usually take my time when writing reviews, I won't deny that, but for some reason, it feels like it's taking me forever to write these blasted things. Heck, it feels like it takes me up to two weeks before I'll stick some of these movies in my DVD player once I get them from Netflix. I'm usually better than that, but I don't know what my deal is lately. I'm so lame.

But I did finish up a new review on Sunday afternoon, which puts the stack of movies in my "To Do" list at three left. It might go up to six, depending on whether or not I get those others done before the time Punisher: War Zone, The Spirit, and Howard the Duck see their DVD releases next month. (And at the rate I'm going, I'll end up adding them to the "To Do" pile. I'm super-slow.) It might even be seven, depending on how things go in regards to Watchmen. I might end up saving Watchmen for the future, though. I had the idea to do "Super Saturday: The Alan Moore Edition," with reviews of From Hell, V for Vendetta, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and Constantine, with maybe Watchmen tagging along. Though considering Alan Moore's stance on the movies based on his work, the title would probably be "Super Saturday: The _____ _____ Edition" instead. Then again, the whole thing would probably be somewhere on down the road, since I haven't even finished on Super Saturday 2 yet. We'll just have to wait and see how it goes on that one.

So yeah, that's how things are going with the projects. I'm hoping to have Super Saturday 2 done within the next few weeks at best, and then I can get back to my old routine of doing reviews whenever I feel like it. I miss doing stuff like my reviews of Silent Night, Deadly Night and Jackass Number Two, just because I could work on them at my leisure without it feeling like a chore. But I'll be through with the ones on my plate soon enough. And whenever I finally finish it, I hope you readers enjoy it...

...or else.


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