Thursday, January 15, 2009

Into The Virtual War Zone

Following up on my post from a week and half ago, I've been delving deeper into the realm of Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition. I've finally made it through the castle and am on my way to the island war zone. And after years of having to swap discs at this point on the Gamecube version, it feels weird not having to on the Wii version. I can't really explain that weirdness, but it's there.

But yeah, I've made it to the island war zone, and I'm having fun along the way. You can't go wrong when you're taking a shotgun to psychos and monsters left and right. You'd be surprised at just how much entertainment you can derive from freezing a giant mutant with liquid nitrogen and blowing him up with a rocket launcher. I could do that sort of thing for days. But now it's time to move onward to the island, and to face the creatures that lie ahead. I can't wait to cause all kinds of havoc.


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