Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Adding To The Hobby

I swear, one day soon, I'm just going to have to rename this blog "Matt's Weekly Comic Book Purchases." Because little ol' me went out and bought a bunch more comics today. I guess I need to start cutting back to only once or twice a month, because I've made some relatively big (for me, anyway) purchases over the last two or three weeks, and I don't want to get burned out on my new hobby too quickly.

Anyway, comics were purchased today. Added to the ever-growing collection: a second printing of Captain America #25, Detective Comics #823, the first two issues of Dark Horse's Evil Dead adaptation, Spectacular Spider-Man #76, and a free comic called Secret Invasion Saga. I guess that free comic is supposed to be some promotional material to hype an upcoming storyline that Marvel is doing with the Skrull, but I'm a bit out of the loop on this one. Either way, I think I made a pretty decent haul today.

Though I have to say that my shopping experience today was a bit different than what I'm usually used to. I've been frequenting a particular shop in Frankfort lately, and I split my purchases today between that shop and one in Lexington that I'd never been to before. I was blown away by the sheer amount of inventory that the shop in Lexington had, especially the huge rack of Masters of the Universe action figures they had. If the clerks had looked the other way, I'd have snatched the whole rack and made off like a bandit, but I digress. So yeah, the store gets an A+ for inventory, but my big gripe? The place is tiny. I mean, really tiny. It's like someone converted a broom closet into a comic book shop. Go crawl into your refrigerator, and that's how cramped it was in there. I had to sit in the floor to go through half of their back issue boxes, which is inconvenient enough without having other customers stepping over over me because there's no room to maneuver around me. Trying to get around was like playing Human Tetris. It was unbelievable.

They might as well rename the store "Claustrophobic Comics," because that would be some truth in advertising. Not to bash the store or anything, but I like having room to walk around when I'm perusing through my literature of choice. At least I know of two shops that have plenty of floor space in order to accomplish that.


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