Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Passing Time With No Power

[Longtime readers of the MSX may or may not remember what I referred to as my "Blackout Manifesto." It was three posts that I'd written by hand in order to amuse myself during a power outage in June of 2006. We had another power outage this afternoon, so I decided to kill some time by writing some more posts. Here's the first of two.]

You know what sucks? Being stuck with no electricity. Yeah, it bites hard. The power went out a few minutes ago, right when everybody in the house was in the middle of something. So that really makes it even more bothersome.

It could be worse, though. Last time I remember having a power outage for any length of time, it was at night, so we were all stuck in the dark. At least it's in the middle of the afternoon right now. But that's only one tiny plus. Maybe it's the fact that I spend all day goofing around with electronics that makes me so uptight about power outages. Plus knowing that we're also having problems with our water pressure makes me think that I might as well be living in a cave somewhere right now. (Hopefully a cool cave with a fully-stocked fridge and a big-screen TV, not a "some monster is going to eat my face" cave like in The Descent.)

This is why I could never cut it as an Amish person. I enjoy modern conveniences too doggone much. Without a television and the Internet, I'm clueless. Should I be that way? I know I'm not the only person like this, but does that make it normal? I'm not sure.

Anyway, I'm sure I can find something around here to do between now and whenever the power returns. I checked some graphic novels out of the library two months ago that I have yet to return (or finish reading, for that manner), so I guess I could get back into those. I'm almost finished with The Dark Knight Returns, and I'd like to re-read Batman: Year One, so I could always get that done. Sounds like a plan.

[Stay tuned for Part 2.]


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