Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Beware The Zombie Apocalypse

I've written many times in the past about my affection for the Resident Evil video game franchise. Those of you who have been regular readers over the last few years may have noticed that, I'm sure. Well, I believe I may have found a horror game that's earned an equal position in my nerdy little heart.

I got an Xbox 360 for Christmas, and one of the games that have recently come into my possession is Dead Rising. A charming little game from the fine folks at Capcom, it tells the story of a photographer who, along with several others, is trapped in a shopping mall with a legion of undead zombies for seventy-two hours. Sure, the concept may or may not have been stolen from Dawn of the Dead, but it's loads of fun.

Being able to mow down zombies with anything you can get your hands on is some of the most entertaining gaming I've ever taken part in. The whole mission thing is fun, but just killing the zombies can be so much fun that you can eat up an hour or two just doing that. (I know from experience, trust me.) And the fact that a shop in the mall is named after an oft-quoted line of (really bad) dialogue from the original Resident Evil game is just that much sweeter.

So yeah, I do like Dead Rising very much. I haven't finished it yet, and I don't think I'm even halfway through. But it's going to get a definite thumbs-up from me. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some more gaming to do. The zombie killing never ends here at the MSX.


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