Monday, December 31, 2007

Looking Back On 2K7

With only a few hours left until 2007 officially ends here on the east coast of the United States, I just wanted to take the time to ruminate on the past year.

My theme for the year was to move forward. There are a few big changes in my life that should have been made years ago, so I put those forth back in January as a personal goal I wanted to achieve this year. I wanted to make those changes, or at least get as close as I could. I didn't actually accomplish all that I'd hoped for, unfortunately, but I did get the ball rolling in the right direction. There's a bit of work left for me to do, but I don't see a problem with carrying the "move forward" theme into the new year.

Other than that, it's been a weird year in general for yours truly.I don't really talk a whole lot about my personal life, because there's certain readers of this blog that I'd like to keep in the dark about certain things. But 2007 was a peculiar year for me, thanks to some troubles I had with a few people. (Have you noticed that I didn't make any references to my friends from Lawrenceburg like I did in 2006?) Things have been smoothed over for the most part, however, so my 2007 really ended on a good note.

Parts of the year did suck, that sort of thing cannot be avoided. But I still think that it was a fun year. Though looking back, I believe I spent more time watching movies than I did doing anything else. But oh, do I love my movies.

Anyway, I guess that wasn't a very in-depth at the year that was. But hey, why go into detail here when you can just read the archives? That's just as good, except they weren't written with a few months of perspective.

So happy new year, everybody. Thanks to all of you who visited this humble corner of cyberspace over the last twelve months. I know there's only four or five regulars, but you guys make writing this thing worth it. Now let's see what 2008 brings, hm?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sadness. :( you're so totally keeping me in the dark! no fair!!! ;) email me sometime, won't ya?

January 6, 2008 at 12:27 AM  

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