Friday, November 2, 2007

Happy Sixth Anniversary!

In case you're new to the MSX, today is a big day for yours truly. It's special because six years ago today, the first post went live at the very blog you're reading right now. I'm quite proud of the MSX, even though there haven't been too many major changes to how I've done things over time. After maintaining the MSX for the better part of a decade, I really can't imagine going without it. Yeah, I'm not the best or most frequent blogger there is, and I might only have four or five regular readers, but the MSX has become a very important part of who I am. Besides, it's either this or keep a regular diary, and I just don't do the whole diary thing.

But wow, it's hard to imagine I've been doing this for six years. And to think, it all started because I stole the idea from the guy that lived across the hall from me in college. (And I didn't even know the word "blog" for the first two or three years of the MSX's existence. Was there such a thing as a blog in 2001? I guess I'll have to check Wikipedia later.) There wasn't much when the MSX's doors opened for the first time, but it's evolved into something that's still as fun as it was when I started six years ago. And I hope you handful of readers are enjoying it too.

Here's to six more years.


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