Friday, October 19, 2007

Those Vampires Mean Business

With Halloween on its way, I figure that the best way to prepare for the big day is to watch lots and lots of horror movies. And that's exactly what I had in mind tonight when I headed out to catch 30 Days of Night. I'll admit that I've never read the comics that served as the flick's inspiration, but I'm sure they're great, because the movie is fantastic.

I guess I'm used to seeing the brooding, mopey, thoroughly emo Whedonesque vampires and the pseudo-raver vampires from the Blade trilogy, because I definitely wasn't expecting the violent, vicious, bloodthirsty monsters from 30 Days of Night. And I think I could get used to these vampires, to be perfectly honest. 30 Days of Night is a rare modern horror movie that presents not only something outside the norm, but something actually good for a change. The directing and music are fantastic, the cast is good, the action sequences are awesome (people in the theater were actually audibly cheering during some of them, no joke), and the whole thing put together equates to what I'd almost be willing to call the best horror movie of the year. (I say "almost" because there's a few other horror movies - namely Saw IV and P2 - coming out between now and the end of the year, and it'd be unfair to make a final judgment until then. But 30 Days of Night is definitely a contender.)

The movie is a decidedly non-traditional vampire movie, combining horror elements with what is essentially an extended action movie chase sequence, and it's done with gusto. I really can't find anything at all to complain about, outside of being unable to remember the names of any character besides the two leads. But that's an extremely minor complaint, so yeah, I'd call 30 Days of Night a pretty good horror movie. Good enough for me to give it four stars on the patent-pending Sutton Scale and my personal seal of approval. So I'm sure my readers who enjoy the genre will certainly like it.

All that's left for me to do is track down the comics, as well as a decent copy of the movie to download. Because I want to make a "Sutton At The Movies" induction out of it as soon as possible.


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