Saturday, September 1, 2007

I'm A Lazy Writer

My writing is coming a lot slower than I assumed it would, which is kind of a bummer now that I think about it. I got a movie in from Netflix a week ago, and I think I've gone two or three days now without adding so much as a word to that review I've been working on. I really should quit slacking off and finish it up. The thing is that I'm actually almost done with it, too; I've only got two paragraphs plus the conclusion left to write, which really shouldn't be too tough. If I really sit down to work, I might be able to knock that out in the next day or two. I hopefully won't leave it sitting around another week, since I've got other movies in my Netflix queue I'd like to see.

And I still can't hype the upcoming "Sutton At The Arcade" event enough. I currently have two of the movies in my possession thanks to Wal-Mart's discount racks, and the rest currently occupy spots four through ten in my Netflix queue, so they'll certainly be coming soon. I'm not sure whether or not I really want to set a particular target date for all three of you readers to expect them, but I'm hoping I can get them done no later than Halloween. Or maybe Thanksgiving. Could be Christmas if I take my time. I'll at least have them done between now and the beginning of 2008.



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