Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Who Watches The Watchmen?

As I mentioned the other day, I managed to download Alan Moore's Watchmen comics after it came highly recommended from a few people. I've read the first six issues so far, and those people were right. Watchmen is an engrossing read, and I'm surprised it took me so long to get around to reading it.

Now I'm only six issues deep, as I said. But if the rest are as good as what I've read thus far, it'll be some fantastic stuff. I'm certainly looking forward to the Watchman movie now too. The art looks like the storyboards for a movie, so if it stays faithful to the books, a Watchmen movie will at least look amazing. It's a shame that it won't be released until 2009, though.

But I think I'd better get back to reading. I've got six more issues to cover, plus I downloaded copies of Amazing Fantasy #15, Amazing Spider-Man #121, and Amazing Spider-Man #129. I already have a physical copy of Amazing Spider-Man #129, which got reprinted and handed out at movie theaters when the Punisher movie came out a few years ago, but I don't have a problem reading a downloaded version of it too. And like I said the other day, I should probably download Preacher too, even if it is something like 75 issues long. I also want to try hunting down a few Batman comics, mainly The Long Halloween and The Dark Knight Returns. In any event, I'm going to be doing a lot of reading.


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