Monday, July 30, 2007

Comic Talk

Howdy, folks. You doing good? I'm fine, thanks for asking.

Things around here are doing relatively well, as a matter of fact. I actually noticed the other day that we're three months and some change away from the MSX's sixth anniversary. Three months is a while, but time flies, so November will probably be here before we know it.

I don't really have anything else I wanted to talk about specifically, just felt like killing a little time. I'm actually in the process of downloading Alan Moore's Watchmen comics, which come highly recommended by a few comic book fans I know. I still need to get around to downloading Preacher one of these days too. Any comic book with a character named "Arseface" can't be too bad, can it?

I also downloaded Neil Gaiman's Death: The High Cost of Living and Death: The Time of Your Life last week, and I have to say I enjoyed them both immensely. It helps that I really like the Death character; after reading "The Sound of Her Wings" in Preludes & Nocturnes, it's kind of hard to dislike her. And I'm going to have to leave a Note To Self to go buy the TPB of The High Cost of Living sometime. Good reading, it is.

And that's all I've got. Later.


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