Saturday, May 5, 2007

Screw The Derby

I don't know how it is in any of the other 49 states or around the world, but all everyone around here has been talking about for the last two weeks is the Kentucky Derby. And I couldn't care less.

I think I'm the only person in the entire state of Kentucky that doesn't seem to care about some stupid horse race. I don't see its appeal. It's not like the Super Bowl or the World Series or the NBA Finals, where there's an exciting six-month build to the big show. You never hear anything whatsoever about horse racing until the Derby. I don't, at least. At then two weeks before the Derby, the entire state loses its mind for what? A bunch of horses that run in a circle for two minutes? At least NASCAR races go 200 laps. Why not have the horses run ten, or even five laps?

Maybe I should be a little excited, this year, considering that there are two horses from this county in the Derby. But am I excited? Nope, can't say that I am. The truth of the matter is that I'll be happy when this day is over, so I can go a year without having to hear about this stupid Kentucky Derby.


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