Thursday, May 31, 2007


In other news, I've got two new reviews to put up. So for your reading pleasure, here's my reviews of the second and third live-action movies based upon the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I'd have done the animated movie too, but I ended up deciding to wait until the DVD came out first. That should be out sometime around July or August, so I'll hopefully get to do it by the end of summer.

I've got a few more reviews lined up, so there won't be a whole lot of down time. I received Borat in the mail from Netflix today, so you can expect a review of that within the next couple of weeks. I also found something claiming to be a workprint of Hostel 2, so once I get it downloaded, I might do a review of that if the video turns out okay. I must say, though, that I'm not completely sure how closely a workprint will resemble the final cut of the movie. I don't want to go and review something, then have a completely opposite opinion of it once I see it in theaters. I think there might be other non-workprint bootlegs of the movie out there too, but I'll just wait and see. Let's just hope I don't get my ass sued off for all this.


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