Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Back Into The Thick Of Things

Welcome to the month of May, dear readers, and welcome to the Matt Sutton Experience. I'm expecting this month to be a good one, since in for weeks or so, I'll be celebrating a quarter-century upon this spinning blue rock we call Earth. So I'm expecting all the posts this month to be a little more upbeat. Not that all my posts are downers or anything, but you know what I mean.

And just because I'm addicted to it, I've jumped into Resident Evil 4 for the tenth time. I'm currently at the part where you have to play as Ashley, and I think I'm making pretty decent time. I probably could have made a little bit better time if, after the Night of the Living Dead cabin near the beginning, I hadn't decided to take both sides of the fork in the road to boost my body count. I guess I'm trying to top my last number of 1,003 victims. Why I'm picking up the game so soon after beating it the last time, I'm not exactly sure. Other than having way too much fun playing it, that is. But I think I'm going let it cool off after I get through it this time. Ten is a pretty good number, I think.

I'd say that I'm hoping to fly through the game, but considering it'll probably take me a grand total of at least three hours to play through the island and the rest of the castle, so "flying through it" might be a bit of an overstatement. I might get through it over the next two or three days, depending on how much of the game I play in each sitting. And I'm still surprised I played the entire island all at once last week, too. But anyway, I'm sure that I'll have that big tenth Resident Evil 4 victory in no time. So I've got that to look forward to this week.

More on that as it happens.


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