Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Geez, Writing Is Tough

So I mentioned a while back that I was going to compile a list of the different scenes, scenarios, and moments I wanted to use in the script I was hoping to write one day. I'm up to about 25 or 26, and I'm stuck there, so I believe that I could move forward and fill in the gaps as I go.

But the catch is, while I have a concept, I don't have a real plot. I don't want to go into this thing without a beginning, middle, and end in mind, and I don't have any of those just yet. I'll admit I'm not the most skilled writer there is, but come on, I shouldn't be completely blanking on this. Should I?

While I do an extremely vague idea about what kind of script I want to write, I'm not exactly sure how I want to write it or what direction I want to take it in. Thank God I don't do this professionally, otherwise I'd spend all my time banging my head against the wall in frustration. I don't know if I'd call it writer's block, but whatever is causing this lack of inspiration and imagination is infuriating.

The real bummer is that this is something that I thought I could do. With all the movies that come out both theatrically and direct-to-video, it seemed awfully easy. But I figure that once I get the ball rolling with that oft-mentioned New Year's resolution of mine, I can find some inspiration somewhere and really get this thing going. I probably shouldn't get my hopes up too high about it, just in case I end up having to put it on the shelf indefinitely. No, I don't want to do that, but I'm just saying.

And if worse comes to worse, I can always concentrate solely on writing for "Sutton At The Movies." Doesn't hurt to stick with what I'm good at. The reviews seem to be popular with all three of my readers, and I have boatloads of fun writing them (especially the extremely negative ones, like Uwe Boll's movies). So if this whole screenplay thing doesn't work out, I at least have that to work on. Sure, writing those reviews is first and foremost a hobby to entertain myself, but at least it's something.


Blogger Libby said...

That's very true. Writing is a difficult thing and it takes a whole lot of work to get anywhere. But you're full of good ideas and such so I really hope you don't give up on it. Sometimes the structure of your story just needs some time to work itself out, and there might be some trial and error attached also. God knows I've been there.

At any rate, I've got your back! If you need anything just give me a holla.

April 11, 2007 at 9:40 PM  

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