Wednesday, April 4, 2007

From Blah Places To Not-So-Blah Places

Sometimes I wonder what I was put on this planet for. I'm sure everybody has moments like that, but I've been thinking about it a lot lately, and I'm not exactly sure why.

Maybe it's because I'm heading towards a transitional period. I probably should have taken care of that years ago, but I guess I'm a late bloomer. That has to be the only excuse, because I just can't think of any other reason for me to have waited so long to really start doing anything with my life. If I'd had this sort of initiative around 1999 or so, I probably wouldn't be worrying about this right now.

It really does bother me, though, that I'm getting such a late start in the game. I know I talked about this in a post a couple of weeks ago, but this sort of thing has a habit of really sticking with a person. But I figure that I'll get it sorted out with some time and effort. At least, I hope I do.

I just took a look at the clock, and noticed that it's 10:45. I started writing this thing an hour and fifteen minutes ago, and I've spent the last thirty of it wondering what else I wanted to say about what was troubling me. I was in kind of a blah place when I started, since thinking about this sort of thing really brings me down. But now that I've gotten even so much as that said, I kind of feel like I've started getting out of that place for tonight. You know, I really should start using this thing to vent more often. I'm shy when it comes to my problems, mainly because I don't want people thinking I'm trolling for sympathy with sob stories when I go off on a rant about what's bugging me. But I might have to start talking about things more often. It makes me feel better.

I don't plan on making it too much of a habit, since I'd like to keep up with the regular jovial yet sarcasm-tinged festivities you, all three members of my audience, have come to know and love about The Matt Sutton Experience. But since I've got this blog going, I might as well use it for a little bit of everything. Besides, it'd be false advertising if I call this thing "The Matt Sutton Experience" and don't give you the full Matt Sutton experience. Am I right? Of course I am.

I always am.


Blogger Rob T said...

I can identify with this. I just got my first car in March. I only learned how to drive shortly before my surgery, which made me 24, damn near 25 before I even learned how to operate a car. And I still live at home despite having a good job and (now) having a car.

The thing is, it doesn't make you a loser. No one handed you a job. Your parents didn't buy you a car (well, I don't know that, but I'm assuming this is not the case for the sake of argument, I could be wrong.). A lot of people, their parents give them cars and pay for their driver's ED before they're even out of high school. Sometimes, the parents help them get jobs (or even give them jobs if the parent has the power.). K is a good example of this - given a car, Dad gives her a job during the summers, college pretty much paid for, so on so forth.

Imagine how much easier things would be if all of that was just given to you, pretty much. This is what happens for a lot of kids - and they're the lucky ones.

The best of luck on getting that life started.

April 5, 2007 at 12:42 PM  
Blogger Libby said...

I'll never complain about getting the full Matt Sutton Experience, so feel free to unload anytime you see me on. That's what I'm for!

Everyone develops at their own rate, and there are always mitigating circumstances involved, so don't get down on yourself, bud. I know you have boatloads of potential and great things are going to happen.

This is your year!

April 5, 2007 at 4:56 PM  

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