Friday, March 2, 2007

Out Of The Loop

I've been thinking about a lot of the popular trends lately, and the more I think about them, the more I feel like a man without a country. Having been born the year I was, I'm too young to be Generation X, and I feel almost too old to be part of Generation Y. I say that because even though I'm a young man, I'm completely out of touch with the current generation. I don't drive a fancy car; I don't send text messages; and I don't own a cell phone, an iPod, or anything fun like that. I think most current Top 40 music is awful, and I don't watch too many of the TV shows that are currently popular with Generation Y. I'm so completely out of the loop, and I feel like I have way too much catching up to do. I'm just now getting around to liking stuff that was popular in the late '90s, which means I'm probably going to get around the current trends in about ten years. Am I totally out of touch?

I'll admit I've never exactly been the trendiest person ever. I wouldn't know a current trend if it came up and smacked me across the face. But am I so unhip that I might as well be Amish? Because that's what it looks like. I'm a little less than three months away from my 25th birthday, and I'm shaking my fist at the ungrateful whippersnappers that make up my generation. I don't know if that's funny or sad, but I'm leaning towards both.

But I'll say this much: you punkass hooligans better stay off my lawn! You and your rock 'n roll eight-track tapes!


Blogger Libby said...

I actually think it's more hip to be out of touch than it is to be trendy. I'm only slightly trendy, as I have an iPod, and I do have a (rarely used) cell phone ... only because my dad decided we should have cell phones in case of some emergency. Otherwise, I'd have never gotten on. And AIM is the closest I ever come to text messaging.

I wouldn't say you're all that far behind on the other stuff either. You were ahead of the curve on Heroes, and you're way ahead of even me on horror movies. Plus, you introduced me to HIM, and that's cool.

I guess I'm saying it's hip to be square?

March 2, 2007 at 4:37 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

I'm pretty squarely Generation X myself. Pretty much all I have in hip new devices is a Nintendo DS (which I'm sure you'd have if but money). And less and less new music is appealing to me. I thought I was just getting old.

But for the most part... Gen X and such are just words. In the meantime, you can be part of D-GENERATION X!

Are you ready?

March 2, 2007 at 8:39 PM  

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