Saturday, March 24, 2007

How To Make An Inner Child Happy

Like I said yesterday, I managed to get out this afternoon and see the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, and I absolutely loved it. Sitting there in the darkened theater, watching the four reptilian ninjas, I felt like I was seven years old again. It was as if the movie was made specifically for the inner child in me that has refused to grow up or let go of the things I loved when I was younger. So yeah, I enjoyed every second of the movie.

The voice acting is great, and the animation is well done. It's not as good as what Pixar could do, but then again, what is? And although the movie leaves a few dangling plot threads, like how they don't really explain who Karai is or how she reassembled the Foot Clan, but I guess they can tie all these loose ends up in a sequel. And I'd totally go see a sequel. It's too bad they can't churn some of these movies out on an annual basis like the Saw movies.

But yeah, I think it's obvious I loved the movie. I'd gladly pay good money to see it again if I got the opportunity. The final verdict of me and my inner child is that TMNT gets a solid four stars out of five, and it'll be a definite purchase as soon as it comes out on DVD.


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