Wednesday, March 21, 2007


There's a story on the front cover of this week's issue of the local newspaper about how there are sixteen towns vying for the chance to host the world premiere of The Simpsons Movie, all of them named Springfield. And one of the Springfields in the running is only twelve miles from Casa de Sutton.

Nothing is official, nor are there any guarantees that Kentucky's Springfield will even be selected, but I can't say that I'm not a little excited. I'm a fan of The Simpsons and I've been anticipating the movie since it was first announced, but the idea that the movie's big premiere could be right in my backyard has got me looking forward to it even more. The catch is, Washington County doesn't have a movie theater. So apparently, the leading candidate to host this big soiree is a little place called the Opera House. I've never been in the Opera House before, but I hear it's kinda little. If they want a big turnout from the community, I think it'd be a good idea for them to put a big screen and speaker system up on the high school's football field, and stick the projector in the field's press box. I'm sure there'd be a huge crowd for it, if that's what they want from it. But they haven't even announced where it'll be yet, so maybe I'm thinking too far ahead.

Even if we don't get the premiere, I'm still happy that Washington County was at least considered for the opportunity. I mean, how often does a little town in the middle of nowhere get the chance to experience a bit of Hollywood?


Blogger Libby said...

I think every Springfield should world premiere the Simpsons simultaneously, even if some of them (New Hampshire, Vermont) are kinda podunk.

It's what I'd do.

March 21, 2007 at 11:31 PM  
Blogger Matt Sutton said...

Kentucky's Springfield is pretty podunk too. It only has a population of 2,364 as of the last census in 2000.

Of course that beats the hell out of my town, which only has a population of 304. Our county is TINY.

March 22, 2007 at 12:15 AM  

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