Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Opinions On A DVD

Okay, I'll go ahead and make that ECW post I was talking about earlier. Like I said, I bought the new "Extreme Rules" DVD on Sunday, and I'm satisfied with it. I already have five of the eight matches on the first disc on other DVDs, and I wasn't really all that desperate to own a Mike Knox match, but other than that, I don't really have any problems with the DVD.

There's a few omissions in my ECW DVD collection, so I'm glad they included matches from Guilty As Charged '01 and the two One Night Stand shows on there. And though the new ECW gets a lot of crap, it contributes a few really good matches to the DVD. Though if it were up to me, I'd have taken out the RVD/Sabu-Test/Knox match and replaced it with the much better Dreamer/Sandman-Knox/Test match from back in August at the Hammerstein Ballroom. Or maybe they could have held off on finalizing the DVD specs for a few months so the Extreme Elimination Chamber match could have been included. But I don't work for WWE's home video department, so what do I know?

To be totally honest, I almost bought the History of the WWE Championship set instead. But it came down to a coin flip, and with the ECW DVD I went. And as much as I'd like to get that WWE Title DVD, I think it'll have to wait for a bit. I'm saving my pennies to buy Mick Foley's new book when it comes out in two weeks. I'm totally gonna have that on my bookshelf.


Blogger Libby said...

I bought Extreme Rules myself. I have some wicked overlap from other dvds, like you do, but the additons I didn't already have were satisfying. And that was prolly the most time I'd spent watching the new ECW since last summer or so.

I would have liked at least one Kurt Angle match on there, though. Come on.

February 21, 2007 at 4:50 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

The problem with the History of the WWE Championship DVD is you're going to get a lot of overlap with Hulk Hogan Anthology

February 24, 2007 at 4:06 AM  

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