Saturday, December 9, 2006

More 4

Yeah, another Resident Evil 4 post. If you aren't used to them already, you better be soon. Because will there probably be more, depending on my progress.

When I last left off, I was waiting outside Lavaland. I thought it was going to be tough, but I ended up acing it with no problem. I reconvened with Ashley, then did a little (read: a lot) backtracking to acquire for myself a free Broken Butterfly. Not killing everybody in the cage match room almost cost me, though. Because when I ran back through, there were six or eight freaks hanging out in there. But I'm a warrior, I got through just fine. After retrieving my new toy, I circled back, took a little train ride, and saved at Trader Joe's post. From there, I took a much-deserved break.

I resumed later by taking out the knights. I didn't know if I'd be able to, since I don't exactly have the most powerful weaponry. So I figured, "why not aim for the head? That always works, right?" And it did work, except that the little parasite buggers came popping out of their necks. Those guys are loads of fun, especially since they're carrying axes and broadswords now. But don't worry, their steel were no match for my bullets. The next area after that, staring down the ultimate death machine, was a piece of cake. But what wasn't a piece of cake was the next area, the big room full of Novistadors. Poor little me got mutilated quite a few times. I don't exactly like having my head removed from my shoulders, but how could the Novistadors have known that? But after about six or seven tries, I got through and saved at Trader Joe's next post.

Up next was another rough patch: the clock tower. I got through the clock tower with no problems, but where the rough patch lied was outside. That bridge area is tougher than I remembered it being. I got killed plenty of times, before I just got fed up and decided to run for the door instead of continuing this war of attrition. And if I thought the bridge was hard, having to stare down two Superclaws is like trying to punch your way through a brick wall. You can't do it, and it's going to hurt a lot trying. There were a few times I ended up getting decapitated about thirty seconds into it. So I just said "screw it" and put the controller down.

I'm going to have to start back over at the clock tower, but I think I can make it. I just need to think up some kind of strategy for the Superclaw room. I'm sure I can make it through. I made it over all those other hurdles in the game, didn't I? This one should be no different.


Blogger Libby said...

Excellent progress, man! That bridge fight is a hell of a tough melee indeed.

The Double Superclaws room bites ass. But if you look back at my post on it I came up with a reasonable strategy, I think. It was the only way I could make it out of there at least.

You know, we Survival Horrorists need to stick together. It's a scary world out there!

December 9, 2006 at 9:04 PM  

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